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Configuring gears for HelpStack

Cory Imdieke edited this page May 4, 2015 · 3 revisions

Configuring HelpStack gears

1. HappyFox Gear

To integrate your existing HappyFox account into HelpStack, you just have to include the following lines of code in your AppDelegate:

HSHappyFoxGear *happyFoxGear = [[HSHappyFoxGear alloc] 
		initWithInstanceUrl  : @"" 
		apiKey               : @"<YOUR_API_KEY>" 
		authCode            : @"<YOUR_AUTH_CODE>" 
		priorityID           : @"<PRIORITY_ID>" 
		categoryID           : @"<CATEGORY_ID>"];
happyFoxGear.hfSectionID     = @"<SECTION_ID>";    // Optional

HSHelpStack *helpStack = [HSHelpStack instance];
helpStack.gear = happyFoxGear;
  • Getting the API Key and Auth code

    Configuring HappyFox in HelpStack primarily requires the base URL, API Key and Auth code for authenticating the registered HappyFox user.

    You will find the API key and Auth code in the ‘Integrations’ page of your HappyFox account under ‘Manage’. You can generate an API key and Auth code by clicking on the API configure link.

  • Getting the Priority ID and Category ID

    HappyFox requires that the Priority ID and Category ID cannot be nil. This is the ID of the priority and the category with which tickets will be created when a customer reports an issue.

      For Priorities and its IDs:
      <base_uri> / <response_format> /priorities/
      For categories and its IDs:
      <base_uri> / <response_format> /categories/

    Use API Key and Auth code for authentication.

  • Getting the section ID (Optional) Section ID is to filter and show the Knowledge Based articles. If section ID is not provided, then all the KB articles in all the sections are fetched and showed. If you want HelpStack to fetch KB articles of a specific section, provide the appropriate section ID. The following URL command gives all the sections with their IDs.

      For sections and its IDs:
      <base_uri> / <response_format> /kb/sections


    Use API key and Auth code for authentication.

2. ZenDesk gear

To set up your existing ZenDesk account with HelpStack, just integrate the below lines of code in your AppDelegate.

HSZenDeskGear *zenDeskGear  = [[HSZenDeskGear alloc] 
		initWithInstanceUrl : @"" 
		staffEmailAddress   : @"" 
		apiToken            : @"<API-KEY-HERE>" 
		localArticlePath    : @"<PATH-TO-ARTICLES>"];

HSHelpStack *helpStack = [HSHelpStack instance];
helpStack.gear = zenDeskGear;

where, staff email address is the email address of staff on behalf of whom ticket will be created.

  • Getting the API Token

    The token can be found in your Zendesk account under Settings > Channels > API.

  • Providing FAQs

    Currently Zendesk does not provide an api to access FAQ/KB articles. It is soon to be expected. You can however provide your FAQ articles using a pList locally and you need to specify the path to the article when you configure Zendesk.

3. Desk gear

To set up your Desk account with HelpStack, you need to integrate the following lines of code in your App delegate.

HSDeskGear* deskGear = [[HSDeskGear alloc] 
		initWithInstanceBaseUrl : @"" 
		toHelpEmail             : @"<Your email address>" 
		staffLoginEmail         : @"<Your Login Email>" 
		AndStaffLoginPassword   : @"<Your password>"];

HSHelpStack *helpStack = [HSHelpStack instance];
helpStack.gear = deskGear;

If you wish to provide your FAQs locally, you can provide it in the form of a pList file and specify the pList filename in the Desk Gear when you configure the same.

4. Email gear

If you do not use any of the help desk solutions, you can still use HelpStack to provide efficient customer support by configuring with just your email. You can configure email support in Helpstack by including the below lines of code in your App delegate.

HSGearEmail* emailGear = [[HSGearEmail alloc] 
		initWithSupportEmailAddress : @"" 
		articlePath                 : @"<pList file name>"];
HSHelpStack *helpStack = [HSHelpStack instance];
helpStack.gear = emailGear;

You can provide your FAQs as a local pList file and provide the pList file name in place of pList file name.