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478 lines (337 loc) · 14.8 KB

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478 lines (337 loc) · 14.8 KB

Beyond 64K

This proposal enables fonts that have more than 65,535 glyphs.


We propose extending the number of glyphs in the font from 65,535 (16-bit) to 16,777,216 (24-bit).

Currently the number of glyphs in the font is encoded in the maxp table and is limited to 65535. In this proposal, the number of glyphs in the font will be calculated based on the length of the loca table. Moreover, tables that encode glyph indices as two-byte numbers are extended with versions of structures that encode 24-bit glyph indices.

While extending tables to encode 24-bit glyph indices, many tables are also extended to use 24-bit offsets instead of 16-bit offsets to allow for larger tables necessary for the larger number of glyphs.

Per-table changes

maxp table

The numGlyphs field of the maxp table for a font with more than 65,535 glyphs should be set to 65,535, although this is not required for the functioning of the design.

loca / glyf tables

The loca / glyf tables are not required to have the same number of glyphs as specified in the maxp table. In fact, the length of the loca table now determines the number of glyphs in the font, which can be larger than numGlyphs.maxp.

For a Format 0 loca table (head.indexToLocFormat = 0), the number of glyphs in the font is defined as the length of the loca table divided by 2, minus 1; for a Format 1 loca table (head.indexToLocFormat = 1), the number of glyphs in the font is defined as the length of the loca table divided by 4, minus 1.


Composite glyphs

Add a new flag to allow encoding 24bit glyph indices in composite glyphs:

enum ComponentGlyphFlags
    ARG_1_AND_2_ARE_WORDS       = 0x0001,
    ARGS_ARE_XY_VALUES          = 0x0002,
    ROUND_XY_TO_GRID            = 0x0004,
    WE_HAVE_A_SCALE             = 0x0008,
    MORE_COMPONENTS             = 0x0020,
    WE_HAVE_AN_X_AND_Y_SCALE    = 0x0040,
    WE_HAVE_A_TWO_BY_TWO        = 0x0080,
    WE_HAVE_INSTRUCTIONS        = 0x0100,
    USE_MY_METRICS              = 0x0200,
    OVERLAP_COMPOUND            = 0x0400,
    GID_IS_24BIT                = 0x2000


gvar table

Currently the gvar table encodes a uint16 glyphCount that must match "the number of glyphs stored elsewhere in the font." That field is then used in a subsequent array:

Type Name Description
Offset16 or Offset32 glyphVariationDataOffsets[glyphCount+1] Offsets from the start of the GlyphVariationData array to each GlyphVariationData table.

We deprecate the glyphCount field, and make the array size match the number of glyphs stored elsewhere in the font instead.

This allows us to expand gvar without needing to bump to table format 2, which we like to reserve for more extensive table overhaul.


cmap table

The cmap formats 12 and 13 subtables already support 32-bit glyph indices.

A new sub-table format 16 will be added which is similar to format 14 but uses 24-bit glyph indices:

struct UVSMapping24 {
  uint24 unicodeValue;
  uint24 glyphID;

The rest of format 16 subtable is similar to format 14.


hmtx / vmtx tables

Below we discuss hmtx. The case of vmtx is similar.

Currently the hmtx table length is determined by hhea/maxp in the following way:

  • hhea.metricDataFormat is required to be 0 for the current format;
  • hmtx is required to be 2 * hhea.numberOfHMetrics + 2 * maxp.numGlyphs bytes long.

We describe how we to relax the second requirement, to allow encoding advance width of arbitrary number of glyphs in the hmtx table, regardless of the value of maxp.numGlyphs.

This is how an advance width is assigned to glyph indices beyond maxp.numGlyphs:

Let B be the excess bytes at the end of the hmtx table beyond the 2 * hhea.numberOfHMetrics + 2 * maxp.numGlyphs bytes.

  • If the length of B is odd, ignore the last byte of B.
  • If B is empty, use the last advanceWidth in the hmtx table for all extra glyphs.
  • Treat B as an array of uint16 advance-width numbers of glyph indices starting at maxp.numGlyphs. For any glyph index that is in range in the font but out of range in this array, use the last item of the array.

No lsb (leftside-bearing) is encoded for glyphs beyond maxp.numGlyphs.


lsb offsetting of glyphs

It is an undocumented behavior of OpenType that glyphs from the glyf table are shifted by lsb - xMin when rasterized. Since our extension to the hmtx table does not encode lsb for new gids, no shifting is done for such glyphs. In other words, the lsb of such glyphs is assumed to be the same as xMin.

tsb and vertical glyphs

The vertical origin of glyphs in the glyf table is computed based on tsb encoded in the vmtx table. Since our extension to the vmtx table does not encode tsb for new glyphs, the VORG table must be used to encode vertical glyph origins instead.


HVAR / VVAR tables

No changes needed.


VORG table

Currently the length of the VORG table is determined from its major/minor version and the subsequent content. The only currently defined version 1.0 can only encode 16bit glyph indices. Here is how we expand the table's definition to encode glyph vertical origin for glyph indices beyond maxp.numGlyphs:

Derive the length of the table from the version number and the table struct, then derive the excess bytes, then follow the same algorithm for deriving advance-width in the hmtx/vmtx expansion and use those numbers as vertical origin instead.


COLR table

To be done as part of COLRv2.


sbix table

The number of glyphs referenced by the table is the number of glyphs in the font as defined earlier. Same applies to non-OpenType tables kerx and morx.


GDEF / GSUB / GPOS tables

GDEF version 2

The main GDEF struct is augmented with a version 2 to alleviate offset-overflows when classDef and other structs grow large:

struct GDEFVersion2 {
  Version version; // 0x00020000
  Offset24To<ClassDef> glyphClassDef;
  Offset24To<AttachList> attachList;
  Offset24To<LigCaretList> ligCaretList;
  Offset24To<ClassDef> markAttachClassDef;
  Offset24To<MarkGlyphSets> markGlyphSets;
  Offset32To<ItemVariationStore> varStore;

Note that the varStore offset is 32bit, for compatibility with 0x00010003 version.



The following sections when combined, fully cover the GSUB table extension:

  • GSUB / GPOS version 2
  • Coverage / ClassDef formats 3 & 4
  • GSUB SingleSubst formats 3 & 4
  • GSUB MultipleSubst / AlternateSubst format 2
  • GSUB LigatureSubst format 2
  • GSUB / GPOS (Chain)Context format 4 & 5



The following sections when combined, fully cover the GSUB table extension:

  • GSUB / GPOS version 2
  • Coverage / ClassDef formats 3 & 4
  • GPOS PairPos formats 3 & 4
  • GPOS MarkBasePos / MarkLigPos / MarkMarkPos format 2
  • GSUB / GPOS (Chain)Context format 4 & 5


GSUB / GPOS version 2

The main GSUB / GPOS structs currently result in an offset-overflow with more than ~3k lookups. They are augmented with a version 2 that alleviates this problem:

struct GSUBGPOSVersion2 {
  Version version; // 0x00020000
  Offset24To<ScriptList> scripts;
  Offset24To<FeatureList> features;
  Offset24To<LookupList24> lookups;
  Offset32To<FeatureVariations> featureVars;

Note that the last item is a 32bit offset, for compatibility with version 0x00010001 tables.

LookupList24 is a List16 of Offset24 to Lookup structures:

using LookupList24 = List16OfOffse24tTo<Lookup>;


Coverage / ClassDef formats 3 & 4

Coverage and ClassDef tables are augmented with formats 3 and 4 to allow for gid24, which parallel formats 1 & 2 respectively:

struct CoverageFormat3 {
  uint16 format; // == 3
  Array16Of<GlyphID24> glyphs;

struct CoverageFormat4 {
  uint16 format; // == 4
  Array16Of<Range24Record> ranges;

struct ClassDefFormat3 {
  uint16 format; // == 3
  GlyphID24 startGlyphID;
  Array24Of<uint16> classes;

struct ClassDefFormat4 {
  uint16 format; // == 4
  Array24Of<Range24Record> ranges;

struct Range24Record {
  GlyphID24 startGlyphID;
  GlyphID24 endGlyphID;
  uint16 value;


GSUB SingleSubst formats 3 & 4

Clarify that in format 1, delta addition math only affects the lower 16bits of the gid. Format 3 delta addition math is module 2^24.

Two new formats, 3 & 4, are introduced, that parallel formats 1 & 2 respectively:

struct SingleSubstFormat3 {
  uint16 format; // == 3
  Offset24To<Coverage> coverage;
  int24 deltaGlyphID;

struct SingleSubstFormat4 {
  uint16 format; // == 4
  Offset24To<Coverage> coverage;
  Array16Of<GlyphID24> substitutes;


GSUB MultipleSubst / AlternateSubst format 2

Format 2 is introduced to enable gid24:

struct MultipleSubstFormat2 {
  uint16 format; // == 2
  Offset24To<Coverage> coverage;
  Array16Of<Offset24To<Sequence24>> sequences;

typedef Array16Of<GlyphID24> Sequence24;

struct AlternateSubstFormat2 {
  uint16 format; // == 2
  Offset24To<Coverage> coverage;
  Array16Of<Offset24To<AlternateSet24>> alternateSets;

typedef Array16Of<GlyphID24> AlternateSet24;


GSUB LigatureSubst format 2

Format 2 is introduced to enable gid24:

struct LigatureSubstFormat2 {
  uint16 format; == 2
  Offset24To<Coverage> coverage;
  Array16Of<Offset24To<LigatureSet24>> ligatureSets;

struct LigatureSet24 {
  Array16Of<Offset16To<Ligature24>> ligatures;

struct Ligature24 {
  GlyphID24 ligatureGlyph;
  uint16 componentCount;
  GlyphID24 componentGlyphIDs[componentCount - 1];


GPOS PairPos formats 3 & 4

Two new formats, 3 & 4, are introduced that parallel formats 1 & 2.

Format 4 is only introduced to alleviate offset-overflow issues and is not otherwise needed for gid24 support.

struct PosFormat3 {
  uint16 format; == 3
  Offset24To<Coverage> coverage;
  uint16 valueFormat1;
  uint16 valueFormat2;
  Array16Of<Offset24To<PairSet24>> pairSets;

struct PairSet24 {
  uint24 pairValueCount;
  PairValueRecord24 pairValueRecords[pairValueCount];

struct PairValueRecord24 {
  GlyphID24 secondGlyph;
  ValueRecord valueRecord1;
  ValueRecord valueRecord2;
struct PosFormat4 {
  uint16 format; == 4
  Offset24To<Coverage> coverage;
  uint16 valueFormat1;
  uint16 valueFormat2;
  Offset24To<ClassDef> classDef1;  
  Offset24To<ClassDef> classDef2;
  uint16 class1Count;
  uint16 class2Count;
  Class1Record class1Records[class1Count];


GPOS MarkBasePos / MarkLigPos / MarkMarkPos format 2

Format 2 is introduce just to alleviate offset-overflow issues at the top-level structure. All downstream structures are reused:

The Coverage table parts are covered in #30.

Add one new format of each, just to upgrade offsets of the top-level subtable to 24bit. All downstream structs are reused and not expanded.

struct MarkBasePosFormat2 {
  uint16 format; // == 2
  Offset24To<Coverage> markCoverage;
  Offset24To<Coverage> baseCoverage;
  uint16 markClassCount;
  Offset24To<MarkArray> markArray;
  Offset24To<BaseArray> baseArray;

struct MarkLigaturePosFormat2 {
  uint16 format; // == 2
  Offset24To<Coverage> markCoverage;
  Offset24To<Coverage> ligatureCoverage;
  uint16 markClassCount;
  Offset24To<MarkArray> markArray;
  Offset24To<LigatureArray> ligatureArray;

struct MarkMarkPosFormat2 {
  uint16 format; // == 2
  Offset24To<Coverage> mark1Coverage;
  Offset24To<Coverage> mark2Coverage;
  uint16 markClassCount;
  Offset24To<MarkArray> mark1Array;
  Offset24To<Mark2Array> mark2Array;


GSUB / GPOS (Chain)Context format 4 & 5

Add Context and ChainContext format 4 that parallels format 1 for gid24:

struct ContextFormat4 {
  uint16 format; == 4
  Offset24To<Coverage> coverage;
  Array16Of<Offset24To<GlyphRuleSet24>> ruleSets;

struct GlyphRuleSet24 {
  Array16Of<Offset16To<GlyphRule24>> rules;

struct GlyphRule24 {
  uint16 glyphCount;
  GlyphID24 glyphs[inputGlyphCount - 1];
  uint16 seqLookupCount;
  SequenceLookupRecord seqLookupRecords[seqLookupCount];
struct ChainContextFormat4 {
  uint16 format; == 4
  Offset24To<Coverage> coverage;
  Array16Of<Offset24To<ChainGlyphRuleSet24>> ruleSets;

struct ChainGlyphRuleSet24 {
  Array16Of<Offset16To<ChainGlyphRule24>> rules;

struct ChainGlyphRule24 {
  uint16 backtrackGlyphCount; 
  GlyphID24 backtrackGlyphs[backtrackGlyphCount];
  uint16 inputGlyphCount;
  GlyphID24 inputGlyphs[inputGlyphCount - 1];
  uint16 lookaheadGlyphCount;
  GlyphID24 lookaheadGlyphs[lookaheadGlyphCount];
  uint16 seqLookupCount;
  SequenceLookupRecord seqLookupRecords[seqLookupCount];

Add Context and ChainContext format 5 that parallels format 2 for offset-overflow alleviation:

struct ContextFormat5 {
  uint16 format; == 5
  Offset24To<Coverage> coverage;
  Offset24To<ClassDef> classDef;
  Array16Of<Offset24To<ClassRuleSet>> ruleSets;
struct ChainContextFormat5 {
  uint16 format; == 5
  Offset24To<Coverage> coverage;
  Offset24To<ClassDef> backtrackClassDef;
  Offset24To<ClassDef> inputClassDef;
  Offset24To<ClassDef> lookaheadClassDef;
  Array16Of<Offset24To<ClassRuleSet>> ruleSets;

The ClassRuleSet and ChainClassRuleSet are not extended, because they are class-based, not glyph-based, so no extension is necessary.

Format 3 (Coverage-based format) is not extended, because it only encodes one rule, so overflows are unlikely.
