Simple wrapper for interacting with Novation Launchpad, built on top of FMMT666's
Contains the LaunchPadHandler class, which can be initialised with a few arguments, allowing for This allows Main methods are: send(self,x, y, c = 0) Sends an LED change command to a co-ordinate on the Launchpad. x, y are co-ordinates, while c is an integer refering to a location in a 'colorscale' which is passed to the instance (work in progress). c = -1 turns an LED off. recieve(self) Returns [(x, y, state)] for the next buttonpress in the queue. run(self,func,loop=False) Takes a function as an argument. The function must take only a launchpad handler as an argument. get_state(x,y) If record_state is True, this will retrieve the currnet state of the given button
Note: As this library was written on a raspberry pi, the first lines of appends the location of the home directory of the underlying library.
Contains functions that can be passed to the method. Current usage is import patterns from patterns.
Command line utility which instantiates a LaunchPadHandler, imports patterns and passes pattern functions to the handler's run() method. Currently accepts two args. First arg is the index of the pattern to be run. If a second arg is present, the script will continue to run randomly selected patterns ad inf. Soon to be implemented as an argparser
from lputils import LaunchPadHandler from patterns import patterns lp = LaunchPadHandler()[0])
implement colorscale as a class rather a than messy list of tuples .recievelatest() method: gets most recently pressed button, rather than next in the queu .run() should handle args & kwargs lphandler should store a better representation of its own state define better object to be passed to a new '.run()' command, which sets up and stores its own attributes, and takes a simple function to generate the next state. Would allow for a more structured version of what is currently done by functions in