This repository contains the backend for the app EasyTeach, which has now reached its end-of-life (EOL). I am open-sourcing it now. The app was used by over 500 users, including 25+ paid users, and included the following features:
- Real Time Chat
- User Management
- Report Generation
- Quiz creation
- End-to-end tracking
- File upload using modules
and much more....
This project contains two main folders:- src, tests.
- db - initiating the ORM instance
- middlewares - used in between api routes to check auth status, check user levels etc.
- migrations - contains database migrations
- models - contains the database table structures (orm models)
- services - contains code for emailing, file management and push notification
- typings - contains custom type for the req object in express. mostly variables as passed through the middlewares
- utils - utility functions and constants
- routers - contains API routes and logic
- fixtures - contains code to seed the database with initial data
- all other files - contains unit tests for their respective modules.
Tools used in the project:
- firebase (for push notification and analytics)
- postgres (primary database)
- ffmpeg (for video processing)
- (for managing websockets)
There's couple of things that needs to get setup to run this project. This guide will take you through it.
In the root of the project, first run
npm install
Then one level outside of the root, run following commands
mkdir -p media/{users/{avatar,images},class/{docs,images,videos}}
mkdir keys
cd keys
openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048 -out private.pem
openssl rsa -in private.pem -pubout -out public.pem
Finally, download your Firebase config file from the console and paste it one level outside the root directory. Then, change the filename (for the serviceAccount
variable) in src/index.ts
First, make a folder and make some env files to make app function properly
mkdir config
touch dev.env # env variables for the development env
touch test.env # env variables for the test environment
# I would suggest to directly inject env variables using pm2 on an production environment
Below are the variables that needs to be defined when running the app
cookieSecret=secret to sign a cookie
NODE_ENV=depending upon the environment (dev|production|test)
DBurl=url to connect to postgres
key_id=obtained from razorpay (to prcoess payments)
key_secret=obtained from razorpay (to process payments)
emailHost=the host of your email service
emailPort=the port of email service
emailUser=user id of the email
emailPass=password of user provided
salt1=a salt used for hashing password
salt2= salt for hashing password
accPass=random password used in login API
And you're done 🎉. Now you can finally run the project.
Now, to run the project, execute the following command from root directory:
npm start
Note: The app might crash when you run the above command for the first time. Don't panic; just run the command once again. This is because the build
folder wouldn't exist on the first run as TypeScript needs to be compiled.
I've been also thinking on open sourcing the app and website. Feel free to open issue if you have any questions or need any help.