A jQuery Based lightweight skill bar filler
add an-skill-bar css to html head section
<link rel="stylesheet" href="an-skill-bar.min.css">
and then add javascript file after jquery library
<script src="scripts/an-skill-bar.js"></script>
- jquery 3.3.1 or later
Initialize your markup like this
<div class="skillbar">
<span class="title"></i> less</span>
<span class="percent">40%</span>
<div class="filled" data-width="90%"></div>
you can use our predefined class like this
<div class="skillbar html">
<span class="title"></i> less</span>
<span class="percent">40%</span>
<div class="filled" data-width="90%"></div>
Predefined Class
html, css, js, php, jquery, sass, less, react, nodejs,
angular, vue, meteor, backbone, ember, mysql, python, django,
agile, photoshop, illustrator, indesign, laravel
$(document).ready(function () {
you can pass value with this
$(document).ready(function () {
speed: 1000,
bg : "#008080"
add a class name after skillbar
class customize it with your own style like <div class="skillbar myownclass"></div>
and then call it to your css file like
.skillbar.myownclass .title{
/* Your style goes here */
.skillbar.myownclass .percent{
/* Your style goes here */
.skillbar.myownclass .filled{
/* Your style goes here */
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.