Hello devs,
Welcome to the README for our e-commerce dashboard design. This dashboard is a work in progress and aims to provide a smooth experience for our users. Here's an overview of the tech stack:
Frontend technologies
- Typescript
- Next.js
- Tailwind CSS
- ShadCN
- React query
- React hook form
Backend technologies
- Prisma (ORM)
- MySQL DB (Planetscale)
- Next Auth
- Vercel
Create a .env file in the frontend root directory and add:
This will be the URL of your Planetscale DB
Here you need to put base URL of your application
Here you need to put same value you will add in NEXTAUTH_SECRET
Add a secret
Here you need to add your Client ID
Here you need to add your Client Secret
- Clone the repo.
- Install all dependencies: npm install
- Set up Planetscale MySQL DB and configure backend .env.
- Start the application: npm run dev
Feel free to join our development efforts and help us shape the future of our e-commerce dashboard. Together, we'll create an exceptional experience for our users.
Happy coding!