Install de-logger using npm install
npm install de-logger --save
Require de-logger in your project and you're ready to go!
var log = require('de-logger');
It basically works the same way as console.log()
only it ads colors and alignment to the messages. The first agument is assumed to be the name of the data you want to log. The rest of the arguments should be the data you want to log. You may also provide one argument containing data. This way the log will be nameless. As of version 0.2.0 it's also possible to store log messages into a log file.
The examples are written in coffeescript. For an example in javascript check the examples folder.
log = require 'de-logger'
# Method Name Data
log.func 'Func' , 'These'
log.debug 'Debug', 'are' 'Info' , 'all the'
log.event 'Event', 'basic'
log.warn 'Warn' , 'log'
log.error 'Error', 'commands'
Clears the console. Based on your config your console scroll history will be wiped too.
Identifing which function is triggered. Only the function name is required but more arguments may be given.
Display debug information.
Display general information like which port your webserver is running on.
Keep track of specific (socket) events.
Show warnings.
Show errors.
* The arguments that should be provided are explained in Usage.
Change the default configuration by providing a config object (example 2). This can be done at any time during you project and multiple times (which is shown in example 4). This way data in your project can be logged differently at any point in your project.
# Example 2 - Default config
log = require 'de-logger'
config =
ms: false
enabled : false
path: 'logs'
name: 'project-name'
date: false
time: false
align: true
space: 0
whipe: false
terminal: true
log.set config
ms true / false Add miliseconds to time (only works if time is true).
file object
enabled true / false Turn logging messages to a file on or off.
path string Directory path to store log files into. It will be relative from the root of your project.
name string Name of the log file.
Example_1's output in a file
2015-03-27 01:05:57.20 func Func → These
2015-03-27 01:05:57.20 debug Debug → are
2015-03-27 01:05:57.20 info Info → all the
2015-03-27 01:05:57.20 event Event → basic
2015-03-27 01:05:57.20 warn Warn → log
2015-03-27 01:05:57.20 error Error → commands
date true / false Show the current date.
time true / false Show the current time.
align true / false Will make sure the data logged after the name is in alignment with the largest name provided.
[green] info Name_short → First value // space = 10
[green] info Name_normal → Second value // space = 11
[green] info Name → Third value // space = 11
[green] info Name_even_lager → Fourth value // space = 15
[green] info name_short → Fifth value // space = 15
[green] info hi → Sixth value // space = 15
space int The amount of characters the name area should contain. Default is 0 and grows whenever a name with a bigger length is provided (as is shown in the example above) but you can choose to start with another number.
whipe true / false This will also clear the console history.
terminal true / false Show messages in the terminal.
Do not show messages from a specific function
You can also turn of a specific log function. Remember they will stay turned off untill you swich them on again somewhere in your code (example 3).
# Example 3
log = require 'de-logger'
display: false
display: false
This example shows you can easily switch your logging type during your project.
log = require 'de-logger'
# Set config to also whipe the history of the console
whipe: true
# Clear the console (and whipe it's history)
# Set some data variables
data1 = a: 1, b: 2, c: 3
data2 = a: 4, b: 5, c: 6
# Log a function and a debug message
log.func 'First function'
log.debug 'Debugging', 'Debug message', data1
# (Re)set config
# Show time
time: true
# Turn off func and debug messages
display: false
display: false
# Log a function, debug, info and event message
log.func 'First function' # This will not be displayed
log.debug 'Debugging', 'Debug message', data1 # This will not be displayed 'Webserver', 'Running at port: 8000'
log.event 'Gui input', data2
# (Re)set config
# Show date
date: true
# Log a warning and an error
log.warn 'Usermodel', 'Cannot find a user id'
log.error 'Mongodb', 'Connection couldn\'t be established'
You can still provide your data as the only argument.
log = require 'de-logger' a:1,b:2,c:3
# (Re)Set config
log.set time:true,ms:true
log.event a:4,b:5,c:6
- Make the messagesBuffer a multi-object so it will support example 6 as if all commands where executed synchronously.
- Configure methodes individually (with regard to time, date, ms and file).