A simple Python script providing a self-contained functionality for transforming accented characters of LaTeX into their equivalent UTF8 or ASCII encoding.
import LaTexAccents as TeX
converter = TeX.AccentConverter() # initialize the accent transformer class instance
s = 'This t\\"{e}xt cont\\.ains Lat\\`ex ac\\^{c}ents' #some string containig (or not) Tex accents
# the result of print(s) (to see the actual string without espace characters)
# This t\"{e}xt cont\.ains Lat\`ex ac\^{c}ents
s1 = converter.decode_Tex_Accents(s, utf8_or_ascii=1) # replacing accents by UTF8
# the result of print(s1)
# This tëxt contȧins Latèx acĉents
s2 = converter.decode_Tex_Accents(s, utf8_or_ascii=2) # replacing accents by ASCII
# the result of print(s2)
# This text contains Latex accents
A variant of this script is intended to be used in SciLag a community project dedicated to open problems in mathematics. We thought to share it here, as this might be potentially useful in some routine tasks with Latex format.
This is version 0.1 and might be subject to change. The list of current accents might not be complete, however, one may easily add more a translation rules from accents to UTF8 adding new rules
inside function create_Translation_Rules