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Board: Features

Anna No edited this page Jun 9, 2022 · 6 revisions



  • Access and permissions (Private/Public/Workspace)
  • Activity
  • Board view
  • Card filter
  • Favorites (Starred)
  • Templates
  • Custom background
  • Archive/Delete


  • Move
  • Archive/Delete
  • Watch
  • Automation actions (move, notify etc)
  • Sort by



  • Members
  • Dates
  • Labels
  • Cover
  • Description
  • Checklists
  • Watching
  • Notifications


  • Dates
  • Labels
  • Member
  • Checklists
  • Attachments
  • Custom Fields


  • Move
  • Archive / Delete / Return to board
  • Watch
  • Copy
  • Dates
  • Labels
  • Members (Join / Edit)
  • Cover
  • Attachments
  • Templates
  • Custom Fields
  • Automation (buttons)


  • Calendar view
  • Table view
  • Map view


Action triggers

  • Action triggered by user (a button / a context menu)
  • Scheduled date time (e.g. every day / every Monday)
  • Particular period before due date (e.g. a day before at particular time, Monday before at particular time)
  • Object changes (triggers)

Object changes


  • Card created / moved / copied to / from Board
  • Card created / moved / copied to/from List
  • Card archived / unarchived
  • List created / moved / renamed to / from Board
  • List archived / unarchived
  • List has particular amount of cards

Card changes

  • Particular Label is added / removed to / from any card by me / anyone except me / anyone

  • Particular attachment (name [not]starting / [not]ending / [not] containing etc) added / removed to any card by me / anyone except me / anyone

  • Comment is added by me / anyone except me / anyone

  • Comment / Checklist item / Description mentions me / anyone except me / anyone

  • Particular person is added / removed to / from any card by me / anyone except me / anyone

  • Vote is added / removed to / from any card by me / anyone except me / anyone

  • Due Date / Start Date with Particular interval (e.g. in this week etc) is added / removed to / from any card by me / anyone except me / anyone

  • Card State marked / unmarked as Completed by me / anyone except me / anyone

  • Card name / description / name or description [not]starts with / [not]contains / [not]ends with Particular text (You can enter {*} as part of the text to match any sequence of characters or words. Note: This will only trigger when you create or modify a card's name or description. It will not work retro-actively for existing cards on the board, or for other members on the board (unless they create and enable their own rule).)


  • Checklist with Particular name added / removed to / from any card by me / anyone except me / anyone
  • Checklist with Particular name / All checklists / Any checklist is / are checked / unchecked by me / anyone except me / anyone
  • Checklist Item with particular name / Any Checklist Item is checked / unchecked in Checklist with Particular name by me / anyone except me / anyone (You can use the {checklistitemname} variable to use the item name in the actions following this trigger.)
  • Checklist Item is added / removed to / from Checklist with Particular name / Any Checklist by me / anyone except me / anyone (You can use the {checklistitemname} variable to use the item name in the actions following this trigger.)


Adding cards to perform an action on by rules



Add / Remove / Move

  • Create a new card with Particular name [ + Particular description, + Checklist copied from Particular card and renamed, Particular Labels, Particular members, Particular due date] in List with Particular name [on Board with Particular name]
  • Move / Copy card at top / bottom of the List with Particular name [in Board with Particular name]
  • Move card on the top / bottom of the same List / previous List / next List
  • Archive / Unarchive card
  • Add a Particular label
  • Remove Due Date / Start Date / Cover / All Lables / All Checklists / All Members


  • Make card Completed / Incompleted
  • Set Due Date
  • Move Due Date (e.g. next day / next Monday etc)
  • Move Due Date date by the same amount of time (This is typically used with the trigger 'when the due date is moved in a card' and a cascading action that finds another card.)



  • Join / Leave
  • Subscribe / Unsibscribe
  • Add a member to a card with Particular name


  • Update name / description
  • Add comment
  • Post notification [email]
  • Update custom fields


Supports sort by several fields setting asc / desc order


Create an issue


Post a comment with Particular text in Particular channel in Particular workspace