- Install necessary tools sudo apt-get install bison flex build-essential
echo "deb https://dl.bintray.com/sbt/debian /" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sbt.list
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv 2EE0EA64E40A89B84B2DF73499E82A75642AC823
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sbt
- git clone https://github.com/CodingCat/spark-benchmark.git
- Run the following command: cd spark-benchmark; sbt assembly; cd ..
- Git clone https://github.com/davies/tpcds-kit
- Run the following command: (Note: if you have to copy this directory to all worker nodes (script action failed for unknown reason)) cd tpcds-kit/tools; mv Makefile.suite Makefile; make; cd -
- Run the following command: cd spark-sql-perf; spark-submit --class com.databricks.spark.sql.perf.sql.tpcds.TPCDSDataGenerator --executor-memory 16g target/scala-2.11/spark-benchmark-assembly-0.4.11-SNAPSHOT.jar ~/tpcds-kit/tools size_of_data_in_GB location_of_generated_data blank_or_access_key blank_or_secret_key
- Run benchmark
spark-submit --master yarn-client --class com.databricks.spark.sql.perf.RunBenchmark --driver-memory 16g --executor-memory 16g --executor-cores 8 --num-executors 4 target/scala-2.11/spark-sql-perf-assembly-0.4.11-SNAPSHOT.jar --benchmark com.databricks.spark.sql.perf.queries.tpcds.ImpalaKitQueries --database db1 --path /tablebucket/ --executionMode parquet -i 10 --outputDir /outputresults/
- if you are not using S3 to store generated data, you do not need the last two parameters in step 5
- to use multiple machines to generate data, you have to do 3, 4 in every machine
This is a performance testing framework for Spark SQL in Apache Spark 1.6+.
Note: This README is still under development. Please also check our source code for more information.
$ bin/run --help
spark-sql-perf 0.2.0
Usage: spark-sql-perf [options]
-b <value> | --benchmark <value>
the name of the benchmark to run
-f <value> | --filter <value>
a filter on the name of the queries to run
-i <value> | --iterations <value>
the number of iterations to run
prints this usage text
$ bin/run --benchmark DatasetPerformance
The rest of document will use TPC-DS benchmark as an example. We will add contents to explain how to use other benchmarks add the support of a new benchmark dataset in future.
Before running any query, a dataset needs to be setup by creating a Benchmark
object. Generating
the TPCDS data requires dsdgen built and available on the machines. We have a fork of dsdgen that
you will need. It can be found here.
import com.databricks.spark.sql.perf.benchmarks.tpcds.Tables
// Tables in TPC-DS benchmark used by experiments.
// dsdgenDir is the location of dsdgen tool installed in your machines.
val tables = new Tables(sqlContext, dsdgenDir, scaleFactor)
// Generate data.
tables.genData(location, format, overwrite, partitionTables, useDoubleForDecimal, clusterByPartitionColumns, filterOutNullPartitionValues)
// Create metastore tables in a specified database for your data.
// Once tables are created, the current database will be switched to the specified database.
tables.createExternalTables(location, format, databaseName, overwrite)
// Or, if you want to create temporary tables
tables.createTemporaryTables(location, format)
// Setup TPC-DS experiment
import com.databricks.spark.sql.perf.benchmarks.tpcds.TPCDS
val tpcds = new TPCDS (sqlContext = sqlContext)
After setup, users can use runExperiment
function to run benchmarking queries and record query execution time. Taking TPC-DS as an example, you can start an experiment by using
val experiment = tpcds.runExperiment(tpcds.interactiveQueries)
For every experiment run (i.e. every call of runExperiment
), Spark SQL Perf will use the timestamp of the start time to identify this experiment. Performance results will be stored in the sub-dir named by the timestamp in the given resultsLocation
(for example results/1429213883272
). The performance results are stored in the JSON format.
While the experiment is running you can use experiment.html
to list the status. Once the experiment is complete, the results will be saved to the table sqlPerformance in json.
// Get all experiments results.
// Get the result of a particular run by specifying the timestamp of that run.
sqlContext.table("sqlPerformance").filter("timestamp = 1429132621024")