😄 My name is Hernán Darío Vanegas Madrigal. I am a Research Engineer at Hashcloak in charge of doing research about MPC-related topics. I have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering and Bachelor's degree in Mathematics. I did MSc. in Applied Mathematics at National University of Colombia. I am interested in cryptography and algorithm analysis. Also, I'm proficient in the MP-SPDZ framework. I have been using this framework to implement algorithms to train machine learning models securely using secure multiparty computation protocols and computing dynamic programming algorithms securely. In general, I am interested in applying abstract mathematic concepts to computer science areas.
🌱 I am currently learning secure multi-party computation and its applications to machine learning and genomics algorithms. I'm interested in learning Rust and Go. Also, I'm interested in learning how to implement cryptographic protocols in real-world environments.