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E621 Rising Dataset Build and Training Configuration

Build and training configuration for Stable Diffusion XL model e621-rising-v3

This repository lets you:

  • Crawl E621 for posts and tags
  • Build a dataset from the crawled data
  • Download images
  • Train a Stable Diffusion 1.x, 2.x, or XL model
  • Publish trained model on Huggingface, S3
  • Convert model to Stable Diffusion WebUI compatible version

This configuration uses the Dataset Rising toolchain.


  • Python >=3.8
  • Docker >=22.0.0

Setting Up

cd <e621-rising-configs-root>
python3 -m venv ./venv
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

# Activate Python VENV:
source ./venv/bin/activate

Shutting Down

# Stop MongoDB Docker container

# Remove Docker image (warning: this will delete all data)


If you are interested in creating a new dataset from E621 data, you don't need to start from scratch. You can use a prebuilt Docker image, saving hours of crawling and processing time.

The Docker image:

  • Preloaded with E621 tag, tag alias, and post metadata as they were on 2023-09-21
  • Based on MongoDB 6.x
    • Username: root
    • Password: root
    • Database: dataset_rising
    • URL: localhost:27017
  • Native x86_64 and arm64 builds
# make sure you stop and remove any previous Dataset Rising instances first:
# dr-db-down && dr-db-uninstall

# start preloaded Docker image
docker run --name dataset-rising-mongo --restart always -p '27017:27017' -d 

Alternatively, you can download the JSONL files produced by the crawling steps 1–3 from here:

e621-tags.jsonl.xz e621-posts.jsonl.xz e621-aliases.jsonl.xz

Crawling and Importing Data

flowchart TD
    CRAWL[Crawl/Download posts, tags, and tag aliases] -- JSONL --> IMPORT
    IMPORT[Import posts, tags, and tag aliases] --> STORE
    APPEND1[Append posts from Gelbooru] --> STORE
    APPEND2[Append posts from Rule34] --> STORE
    APPEND3[Append posts from Danbooru] --> STORE

First you will need to download E621 tag and post metadata and import it into the Dataset Rising database. No images will be downloaded during these steps.


These steps will download a lot of metadata from E621. This will take a while and strain their poor servers.

Consider using prebuilt data instead.

If you are using the prebuilt Docker image, skip to Testing the Selectors

cd <e621-rising-configs-root>
source ./venv/bin/activate  # you only need to run 'activate' once per session

export BASE_PATH="/workspace"

# change this:

## 1. download tag metadata
dr-crawl --output "${BASE_PATH}/downloads/" \
  --type tags \
  --source e621 \
  --recover \
  --agent "${AGENT_STRING}"

## 2. download tag alias metadata
dr-crawl --output "${BASE_PATH}/downloads/" \
  --type aliases \
  --source e621 \
  --recover \
  --agent "${AGENT_STRING}"

## 3. download post metadata
dr-crawl --output "${BASE_PATH}/downloads/" \
  --type posts \
  --source e621 \
  --recover \
  --agent "${AGENT_STRING}"

## 4. import metadata into the database
dr-import --tags "${BASE_PATH}/downloads/" \
  --posts "${BASE_PATH}/downloads/" \
  --aliases "${BASE_PATH}/downloads/" \
  --source e621 \
  --tag-version v2 \
  --prefilter ./tag_normalizer/prefilter.yaml \
  --rewrites ./tag_normalizer/rewrites.yaml \
  --aspect-ratios ./tag_normalizer/aspect_ratios.yaml \
  --category-weights ./tag_normalizer/category_weights.yaml \
  --symbols ./tag_normalizer/symbols.yaml \

Appending Data from Other Sources

This is an optional step, in case you wish to mix data from multiple sources.

cd <e621-rising-configs-root>/extras

# generate a list of post IDs to download; stored in BUILD_PATH

# register new tags (e.g. artists who are not on E621)
# see more detailed example in ./devops/docker/
dr-add-tag \
  --tag "some_artist" \
  --source "gelbooru" \
  --category "artist" \
  --category-weights ./tag_normalizer/category_weights.yaml \

# import additional posts
dr-append \
  --source "rule34" \
  --posts "${BUILD_PATH}/downloads/rule34.jsonl"

dr-append \
  --source "gelbooru" \
  --posts "${BUILD_PATH}/downloads/gelbooru.jsonl"

dr-append \
  --source "danbooru" \
  --posts "${BUILD_PATH}/downloads/danbooru.jsonl"

Testing the Selectors

flowchart TD
    STORE[Database] --> PREVIEW
    PREVIEW[Preview selectors] --> HTML(HTML)

Instead of feeding all possible images to the model, we prefer to select a subset of images that are likely to be high quality samples for the model to learn from. This is done by writing one or more selectors, which are YAML files that describe the criteria for selecting images.

E621 Rising uses five selectors:

You can preview the selectors by running the following commands:

cd <e621-rising-configs-root>
source ./venv/bin/activate  # you only need to run 'activate' once per session

export BASE_PATH="/workspace"
export BUILD_PATH="${BASE_PATH}/build"

# category selector preview (artists):
dr-preview --selector ./select/tier-1/helpers/artists.yaml \
  --output "${BUILD_PATH}/preview/tier-1-artists" \
  --output-format html \
  --template ./preview/preview.html.jinja \
  --limit 10
# selector preview:
dr-preview --selector ./select/tier-1/tier-1.yaml \
  --aggregate \
  --output "${BUILD_PATH}/preview/tier-1" \
  --output-format html \
  --template ./preview/preview.html.jinja

dr-preview --selector ./select/tier-2/tier-2.yaml \
  --aggregate \
  --output "${BUILD_PATH}/preview/tier-2" \
  --output-format html \
  --template ./preview/preview.html.jinja

dr-preview --selector ./select/tier-3/tier-3.yaml \
  --aggregate \
  --output "${BUILD_PATH}/preview/tier-3" \
  --output-format html \
  --template ./preview/preview.html.jinja

dr-preview --selector ./select/tier-4/tier-4.yaml \
  --aggregate \
  --output "${BUILD_PATH}/preview/tier-4" \
  --output-format html \
  --template ./preview/preview.html.jinja

dr-preview --selector ./select/extras/extras.yaml \
  --aggregate \
  --output "${BUILD_PATH}/preview/extras" \
  --output-format html \
  --template ./preview/preview.html.jinja

# gap analysis (e.g. see which artists are missing from the selectors):
dr-gap --selector ./select/tier-1/tier-1.yaml \
  --selector ./select/tier-2/tier-2.yaml \
  --selector ./select/tier-3/tier-3.yaml \
  --selector ./select/tier-4/tier-4.yaml \
  --selector ./select/extras/extras.yaml \
  --category artists \
  --output "${BUILD_PATH}/preview/gap" \
  --output-format html \
  --template ./preview/preview.html.jinja

Creating a Dataset

flowchart TD
    STORE[Database] --> SELECT1
    STORE[Database] --> SELECT2
    STORE[Database] --> SELECT3
    SELECT1[Select samples] -- JSONL --> JOIN
    SELECT2[Select samples] -- JSONL --> JOIN
    SELECT3[Select samples] -- JSONL --> JOIN
    JOIN[Join selectors] -- JSONL --> BUILD
    BUILD[Build dataset] --> HF(HF Dataset/Parquet)

When you are satisfied with the selectors, create a dataset from them.

The dr-join scripts takes the selected samples as an input and joins them together, pruning duplicates and balancing the selected samples in the process.

The dr-build script takes the joined samples as an input, downloads the images, and builds a dataset from them.

cd <e621-rising-configs-root>
source ./venv/bin/activate  # you only need to run 'activate' once per session

export BASE_PATH="/workspace"
export BUILD_PATH="${BASE_PATH}/build"

# change these:
export HUGGINGFACE_DATASET_NAME="hearmeneigh/e621-rising-v3-curated"
export S3_DATASET_URL="s3://e621-rising/v3/dataset/curated"

## select samples for the dataset
dr-select --selector ./select/tier-1/tier-1.yaml \
  --output "${BUILD_PATH}/samples/tier-1.jsonl" \
  --image-format jpg \
  --image-format png

dr-select --selector ./select/tier-2/tier-2.yaml \
  --output "${BUILD_PATH}/samples/tier-2.jsonl" \
  --image-format jpg \
  --image-format png

dr-select --selector ./select/tier-3/tier-3.yaml \
  --output "${BUILD_PATH}/samples/tier-3.jsonl" \
  --image-format jpg \
  --image-format png

dr-select --selector ./select/tier-4/tier-4.yaml \
  --output "${BUILD_PATH}/samples/tier-4.jsonl" \
  --image-format jpg \
  --image-format png

dr-select --selector ./select/extras/extras.yaml \
  --output "${BUILD_PATH}/samples/extras.jsonl" \
  --image-format jpg \
  --image-format png

## join selected samples into a single JSONL file
dr-join --samples "${BUILD_PATH}/samples/tier-1.jsonl:*" \
  --samples "${BUILD_PATH}/samples/extras.jsonl:*" \
  --samples "${BUILD_PATH}/samples/tier-2.jsonl:48%" \
  --samples "${BUILD_PATH}/samples/tier-3.jsonl:18%" \
  --samples "${BUILD_PATH}/samples/tier-4.jsonl:6%" \
  --output "${BUILD_PATH}/dataset/samples.jsonl" \
  --export-tags "${BUILD_PATH}/dataset/tag-counts.json" \
  --export-autocomplete "${BUILD_PATH}/dataset/webui-autocomplete.csv" \
  --min-posts-per-tag 100 \
  --min-tags-per-post 15 \
  --prefilter ./dataset/prefilter.yaml
## build the dataset and download the images
## (all images are stored as JPEGs with 95% quality)
dr-build --samples "${BUILD_PATH}/dataset/samples.jsonl" \
  --agent "${AGENT_STRING}" \
  --output "${BUILD_PATH}/dataset/data" \
  --image-width "${DATASET_IMAGE_WIDTH}" \
  --image-height "${DATASET_IMAGE_HEIGHT}" \
  --image-format jpg \
  --image-quality 95 \
  --num-proc $(nproc) \
  --separator ' '

Upload the Dataset to Huggingface

After building your dataset, upload it to Huggingface.

Training a Model

flowchart TD
    DATASET[HF Dataset/Parquet] --> TRAIN
    TRAIN[Train model] --> MODEL(Model)

When training a Stable Diffusion XL model, can train two models: stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0 and stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-refiner-1.0. (If unsure what to do, start with the base model.)

Note that the training stage assumes that you have already uploaded your dataset to Huggingface.

cd <e621-rising-configs-root>
source ./venv/bin/activate  # you only need to run 'activate' once per session

export DATASET="hearmeneigh/e621-rising-v3-curated"  # dataset to train on
export BASE_MODEL="stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0"  # model to start from
export BASE_PATH="/workspace"

export MODEL_NAME="hearmeneigh/e621-rising-v3"  # Huggingface name of the model we're training/finetuning from
export EPOCHS=10
export BATCH_SIZE=1  # batch size should be as high as possible;
                     # it will require a lot of GPU memory, though
export PRECISION=no  # no, bf16, or fp16 depending on your GPU; use 'no' if unsure

# train the model
# Note! This will not be an accelerated training run -- see below
# for instructions on how to use Accelerate to train with multiple GPUs
dr-train-xl \
  --pretrained-model-name-or-path "${BASE_MODEL}" \
  --dataset-name "${DATASET}" \
  --output-dir "${BASE_PATH}/model/${MODEL_NAME}" \
  --cache-path "${BASE_PATH}/cache/model/${MODEL_NAME}" \
  --resolution "${MODEL_IMAGE_RESOLUTION}" \
  --maintain-aspec-ratio \
  --reshuffle-tags \
  --tag-separator ' ' \
  --center-crop \
  --random-flip \
  --train-batch-size "${BATCH_SIZE}" \
  --learning-rate 4e-6 \
  --use-ema \
  --max-grad-norm 1.0 \
  --checkpointing-steps 5000 \
  --lr-scheduler constant \
  --lr-warmup-steps 0 \
  --mixed-precision "${PRECISION}" \
  --resume-from-checkpoint "latest" \
  --dataloader-num-workers $(nproc)
  # optional:
  # --enable-xformers-memory-efficient-attention

# convert the model to safetensors -- this version can be used with Stable Diffusion WebUI
dr-convert-sdxl \
  --model_path "${BASE_PATH}/model/${MODEL_NAME}" \
  --checkpoint_path "${BASE_PATH}/model/${MODEL_NAME}.safetensors" \

Training with Accelerate and Multiple GPUs

See ./util/ for a script that can be used to train with multiple GPUs.

cd <e621-rising-configs-root>
source ./venv/bin/activate  # you only need to run 'activate' once per session

export DATASET="hearmeneigh/e621-rising-v3-curated"  # dataset to train on
export BASE_MODEL="stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0"  # model to start from
export BASE_PATH="/workspace"

export MODEL_NAME="hearmeneigh/e621-rising-v3"  # Huggingface name of the model we're training/finetuning from
export EPOCHS=10
export BATCH_SIZE=1  # batch size should be as high as possible;
                     # it will require a lot of GPU memory, though
export PRECISION=no  # no, bf16, or fp16 depending on your GPU; use 'no' if unsure

accelerate launch --multi_gpu --mixed_precision=${PRECISION} ./venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/train/ \
  --pretrained-model-name-or-path "${BASE_MODEL}" \
  --dataset-name "${DATASET}" \
  --output-dir "${BASE_PATH}/model/${MODEL_NAME}" \
  --cache-path "${BASE_PATH}/cache/model/${MODEL_NAME}" \
  --resolution "${MODEL_IMAGE_RESOLUTION}" \
  --maintain-aspec-ratio \
  --reshuffle-tags \
  --tag-separator ' ' \
  --center-crop \
  --random-flip \
  --train-batch-size "${BATCH_SIZE}" \
  --learning-rate 4e-6 \
  --use-ema \
  --max-grad-norm 1.0 \
  --checkpointing-steps 5000 \
  --lr-scheduler constant \
  --lr-warmup-steps 0 \
  --mixed-precision "${PRECISION}" \
  --dataloader-num-workers $(nproc)


Multiplatform Build

Local Machine

docker login

cd <e621-rising-configs>/devops/docker
docker buildx create --name dataset-rising-builder --bootstrap --config ./buildkit.toml --driver-opt env.BUILDKIT_STEP_LOG_MAX_SIZE=1000000000
docker buildx build --push --platform linux/x86_64,linux/arm64 --builder dataset-rising-builder --tag .

EKS / Kubernetes

curl -O
curl -O
chmod +x ./kubectl
sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl

aws configure 
aws eks update-kubeconfig --region REGION --name CLUSTER_NAME

docker login

docker -D buildx create --bootstrap --name dataset-rising-builder-k8 --driver kubernetes --platform=linux/arm64 --node=NODE_GROUP_NAME --driver-opt=nodeselector=""
docker -D buildx create --append --bootstrap --name dataset-rising-builder-k8 --driver kubernetes --platform=linux/amd64 --node=NODE_GROUP_NAME --driver-opt=nodeselector=""

docker buildx build --push --platform linux/x86_64,linux/arm64 --builder dataset-rising-builder-k8 --tag .