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How To: Migration legacy database

Martijn Storck edited this page Jan 31, 2017 · 8 revisions

Migrate a legacy user database to devise, which is using password MD5 hexdigest without salt, put this code in initializers:

Josevalim suggested the following solution in (issue #1858), just override valid_password? and reset_password? and use 'super' in your devise model

    class User
      def valid_password?(password)
        if self.legacy_password_hash.present?
          if ::Digest::MD5.hexdigest(password).upcase == self.legacy_password_hash
            self.password = password
            self.legacy_password_hash = nil

      def reset_password!(*args)
        self.legacy_password_hash = nil

From version 3.5.1, reset_password! has been deprecated in favor of reset_password, so be aware of removing the ending ! from the last method.

Migrating away from plain text passwords

If you are migrating from a system containing unencrypted plain text passwords, it is straight forward to update all of the records without waiting for some users to log in. I did this in the rails console:

users = User.where("legacy_password"!=''); users.each do |i|; i.valid_password?(i.legacy_password); end

This makes two assumptions:

  1. That you called your legacy password field "legacy_password" instead of "legacy_password_hash" and changed all references in the methods.

  2. Instead of doing ::Digest::MD5.hexdigest(password).upcase == self.legacy_password_hash you can simply replace it with password == self.legacy_password

  3. That your legacy data will satisfy your validation criteria on save. I had an issue of some legacy passwords being only 4 characters long, so you would have to reduce the min-length in devise.rb to allow successful saving. Some of my legacy fields were also blank when in the new system they were required, so you may need to set defaults as part of the console script.

You can then delete your legacy_password column, as all the passwords will now be encrypted. Before doing this check that you don't have any non-nil legacy_password instances which need manual correction before running the console script again.

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