├── README.md
├── Cause
│ ├── ABSC
│ ├── AE_BiLSTM_dis0_emo.py paper1
│ ├── AT_BiLSTM_dis0_emo.py paper1
│ ├── ATAE_LSTM_dis0_emo.py paper1
│ ├── ATAE_BiLSTM_dis0_emo.py paper1
│ ├── EATT_BiLSTM_dis0_emo.py
│ ├── Mem_LSTM_dis0_emo.py paper10中利用位置信息跟情绪词的方式
│ ├── Mem_BiLSTM_dis0_emo.py paper10
│ ├── BiLSTM_ATT.py 最简单的文本分类
│ ├── BiLSTM_ATT_dis.py dis以词嵌入的方式拼接在每个cause中
│ ├── BiLSTM_ATT_dis_one-hot.py 隐层拼接dis的one-hot表示
│ ├── LogisticRegression.py dis信息 + LR
├── Classification
│ ├── multi_label
│ ├── BRNN
│ ├── Bi-LSTM-Att-BR2.py paper2
│ ├── TDNN
│ ├── paper3
│ ├── Emotion_CNN.py paper3 复现的第一个multi_label模型
│ ├── Emotion_CNN_prob.py 去掉paper3中的多标签转换成单标签的步骤,直接利用CNN模型学习,threshold = 0.15
│ ├── Emotion_GRU.py 利用GRU进行多标签学习,threshold = 0.15
│ ├── LSTM.py 利用LSTM进行多标签学习,threshold=0.15
│ ├── Bi-LSTM.py 利用BiLSTM进行多标签学习,threshold=0.15
│ ├── Evalue.py 内含Calibrated Label Ranking方法以及多标签评估方法
│ ├── Emotion_GRU_attention.py GRU + Attention + Calibrated
│ ├── Emotion_CNN_GRU_att.py CNN卷积之后不做max_pooling,直接送到GRU中
│ ├── Emotion_GRU_att_add_emotion_relation_wheel.py 在损失函数中加入先验的情绪轮约束
│ ├── Emotion_GRU_add_emotion_relation_coef.py 各个类别之间的情绪约束由皮尔森相关系数得到。
│ ├── Bi-LSTM-Att-Threshold.py threshold=1.0/9
│ ├── Bi-LSTM-Attention-calibrated.py paper2中的TDNN选用的这个model
│ ├── JBNN(Our method)
│ ├── Bi-LSTM_ATT_9b.py paper2
│ ├── Bi-LSTM_ATT_Topic_9b
│ ├── Bi-LSTM_ATT_Topic_9b.py 在JBNN模型的隐层拼接传统特征
│ ├── get_dic_feature.py 词典特征
│ ├── process_topic_feature.py 话题特征,话题特征由Biterm Topic model得到
│ ├── For_tra_feature.py CHI选择特征,TF-IDF表示
│ ├── multi_class
│ ├── Rule 统计文本中关于情绪类别j的情绪词个数
│ ├── Traditional machine learning
│ ├── SVM 单词特征、标点符号特征、情绪词典特征
│ ├── NB+SVM paper8 NB包括多项式模型和伯努利模型
│ ├── NB+KNN paper8 先用NB识别有无情绪(情绪判别),再做情绪分类任务。
│ ├── Neural network
│ ├── 1NN_.py paper4 输入文档的词频v,通过f=sigmoid(wv+b)得到预测的话题分布,利用softmax(f)得到情绪标签。
│ ├── HN_BiLSTM_ATT.py paper5 层次注意力模型,文档级文本分类
│ ├── Rule_joint_ML paper9
├── Lexicon
│ ├── Seco_Prec_Npmi1.py paper6 利用共现关系(NPMI)计算候选词与情感种子词之间关系,这里情感种子词通过DUTIR情绪词典得到
│ ├── smile_dic paper7 互信息法计算两种表情的关联程度
│ ├── chi_dic paper8 通过卡方计算一个词t与一个类别c的相关性
[1] Wang Y, Huang M, Zhao L. Attention-based lstm for aspect-level sentiment classification[C]//Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. 2016: 606-615.
[2] He H, Xia R. Joint Binary Neural Network for Multi-label Learning with Applications to Emotion Classification[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.00891, 2018. (Our Paper)
[3] Wang Y, Feng S, Wang D, et al. Multi-label Chinese microblog emotion classification via convolutional neural network[C]//Asia-Pacific Web Conference. Springer, Cham, 2016: 567-580.
[4] Li X, Rao Y, Xie H, et al. Bootstrapping Social Emotion Classification with Semantically Rich Hybrid Neural Networks[J]. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2017, 8(4): 428-442.
[5] Yang Z, Yang D, Dyer C, et al. Hierarchical attention networks for document classification[C]//Proceedings of the 2016 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies. 2016: 1480-1489.
[6] Agrawal A, An A. Selective Co-occurrences for Word-Emotion Association[C]//Proceedings of COLING 2016, the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Technical Papers. 2016: 1579-1590.
[7] 潘明慧. 基于词典的中文微博情绪分析[D]. 南京: 南京航空航天大学计算机科学研究生学院, 2014.
[8] 欧阳纯萍, 阳小华, 雷龙艳, 等. 多策略中文微博细粒度情绪分析研究[J]. 北京大学学报 (自然科学版), 2014, 50(1): 67-72.
[9] Wen S, Wan X. Emotion classification in microblog texts using class sequential rules[C].Twenty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 2014.
[10] Gui L, Hu J, He Y, et al. A question answering approach to emotion cause extraction[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.05482, 2017.
(1) AE
(2) AT
(3) ATAE
(4) EATT
(5) MEM
(2) paper 3
a) 数据集转换
b) CNN model
c) Calibrated Label Ranking
Emotion_CNN_prob.py 不再将train中的多标签句子转成单标签,而是直接输入多标签的pro信息,threshold=0.15
Emotion_GRU.py 利用GRU进行多标签学习,threshold=0.15
LSTM.py 利用LSTM进行多标签学习,threshold=0.15
Bi-LSTM.py 利用BiLSTM进行多标签学习,threshold=0.15
Evalue.py 内含Calibrated Label Ranking方法以及多标签评估方法
Emotion_GRU_attention.py 前面尝试各种基础模型(CNN、LSTM、BiLSTM、GRU)之后,发现GRU的效果最好,于是在GRU的基础上加了attention,用Calibrated Label Ranking得到multi-label的结果。(多标签转单标签+GRU+calibrated)
Emotion_CNN_GRU_att.py 在6的基础上,进一步尝试CNN-GRU-static-Attention,CNN卷积之后不做max_pooling,直接送到GRU中
Emotion_GRU_att_add_emotion_relation_wheel.py 在6的基础上,在损失函数中加入先验的情绪轮约束
Emotion_GRU_add_emotion_relation_coef.py 各个类别之间的情绪约束由皮尔森相关系数得到。当stats.pearsonr(y_emo_train[:, i], y_emo_train[:, j])[0]>0,omiga[i][j] = 1,其他情况值为-1。
(3) TDNN
Bi-LSTM-Att-Threshold.py threshold=1.0/9
Bi-LSTM-Attention-calibrated.py paper2中的TDNN选用的这个model
(4) JBNN
Bi-LSTM_ATT_9b.py paper2
Bi-LSTM_ATT_Topic_9b.py 在JBNN模型的隐层拼接传统特征
1)get_dic_feature.py 词典特征,文本表示包括三部分[the number of words in the tweet matching each class are counted, the individual scores for each class are summed, 每个情绪类别是否有情感词]
2)process_topic_feature.py 话题特征,话题特征由Biterm Topic model得到,https://github.com/xiaohuiyan/BTM
3)For_tra_feature.py CHI选择特征,TF-IDF表示
(1) 特征选择
(2) 朴素贝叶斯
(3) KNN
HN_BiLSTM_ATT.py paper5 层次注意力模型,文档级文本分类
先采取规则方法获得句子级的结果,接着将每一条微博表示为句子级情绪的序列,然后从训练集中挖掘类别序列规则(Class Sequential Rule, CSR),从挖掘出的规则中提取新的特征,最后使用SVM获得微博级别的分类结果。
Paper6 对于词语w(cue words, 一般为名词、形容词、动词、副词)与情绪种子词z的共现关系进行了改进,提出Selective Co-occurrences。作者认为,在一个窗口内,词语w只与一个seed word共现。
(1)Selective Co-occurrences
例1为一个窗口内的文本,对于词语(cue word)“party”、两个情绪类别的种子词“angry” 和 “happy”,在传统的共现方法中, “party” 既与“angry” 共现,又与“happy”共现。应用Selective Co-occurrences后, “party” 与“angry” 共现,或者与“happy”共现,而不是与两者都共现。
例1 Theater critic Michael Riedel (playing himself) also shows up, uninvited. Ivy is put out by this and gets angry at Michael about it. We hear but don't see Ivy singing "Bittersweet Symphony" at her party. Derek then walks in and gives her a present and wishes her happy birthday.
- preceding (SECO-PREC): cue word(提示词、候选词)选择前面的最近的种子词。例如,与“party”最近的前面的种子词为“angry”,忽略“happy” 。