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Program Language


  1. Juan David Moreno
  2. Valentina Cobo
  3. Paola Andrea Domínguez
  4. Juan Felipe Jaramillo


Final Project - Fundamentos de Lenguaje de Programación - FLP


With this project we can investigate the core ideas of programming language design, such as syntax, semantics and grammar. We can build our own language structures and create a domain-specific language that suits the unique needs of the project using Racket's sophisticated macro system.

Some Functions

;;Defines how each element will be treated by the interpreter
(define especificacion-lexica
    ;;(here we add the lexical specification)

;;Defines what kind of expressions and other elements exist in the interpreter.
(define especificacion-gramatical
  ;;(here we add the grammatical specification)

;;Create the datatypes automatically
(sllgen:make-define-datatypes especificacion-lexica especificacion-gramatical)

;;evaluates the program
(define evaluar-programa

;;Definition of datatypes of normal and extended environments

(define-datatype ambiente ambiente?
   (lids (list-of symbol?))
   (lvalue vector?)
   (old-env ambiente?)))

(define ambiente-extendido
  (lambda (lids lvalue old-env)
    (ambiente-extendido-ref lids (list->vector lvalue) old-env)))

;;It's in charge of evaluating each of the possible expressions of the grammatical specification and giving it the appropriate treatment according to its type
(define evaluar-expresion
  (lambda (exp amb))
  ;;checks the exp and the amb

;;Extractor closure
(define procval->lid
  (lambda (cl)
    (cases procval cl
      (closure (lid body amb) lid)
      (else 0)

;;Evaluates primitives
(define evaluar-primitiva
  (lambda (prim lista)
    (cases primitiva prim
      (sum-prim () (operar lista + 0))
      (minus-prim () (- (car lista) (cadr lista)))
      (mult-prim () (operar lista * 1))
      (div-prim () (operar lista / 1))
      (mod-prim () (modulo (car lista) (cadr lista)))
      (txt-prim () (string-append (car lista)(cadr lista)))
      (else 0))))

(define interpretador
  (sllgen:make-rep-loop "-->" evaluar-programa
                         especificacion-lexica especificacion-gramatical)))


let  m= meth(s,n) +(n,1) end in apply m(7,6) end
It'll return 7

AST (Abstract Syntax Tree)

let casita= object{z=>1 m=> meth(s,n) +(n,1) end} in casita end
It'll return #(struct:object-atributes z 1 #(struct:object-methods m #(struct:closure (s n) #(struct:exp-primitiva #(struct:sum-prim) (#(struct:id-exp n) #(struct:num-exp 1))) #(struct:ambiente-extendido-ref (x y z) #(4 2 5) #(struct:ambiente-extendido-ref (a b c) #(6 5 6) #(struct:ambiente-vacio)))) #(struct:object-empty)))