Launches a GenePattern visualizer from the desktop. Use this as a replacement for the 'Open Visualizer' link embedded in the web page.
The application is available for download directly from the releases page.
Mac OS X: Download the native file; Unzip and double-click the app.
Other java: Download the jar file. From a Terminal window
java -jar visualizerLauncher.jar
The VisualizerLauncher opens in a new application window. If for some reason it is hidden, look for the "VisualizerLauncher" java application icon in your dock. Enter the server, (e.g. http(s)://, your username, password, and the job number of your visualizer job. Click 'Submit'. The launcher will connect to the server, download the required application and data files, and launch the visualizer as a new window.
Use mvn to build the project with the defaultGoal "package"
(equivalently) mvn package
This creates packages in the ./target directory.
- (java executable) VisualizerLauncher-{version}-SNAPSHOT-r{build.number}-jar-with-dependencies.jar
- (Mac OS X app) VisualizerLauncher-{version}-SNAPSHOT-r{build.number}/
To run as a jar executable
mvn -q clean package exec:exec
To run on Mac OS X
open target/VisualizerLauncher-{version}-SNAPSHOT-{build.number}/
For more details ... consult the pom.xml file
mvn help