A really simple synchronous wrapper around gun
- No frills synchronous API
- Follow redirects automatically
- Various timeout settings
- Deflates gzipped data
- Support for basic auth
{ok, StatusCode, RespHeaders, Body} = taser:get(URL).
{ok, StatusCode, RespHeaders, Body} = taser:post(URL, Data).
{ok, StatusCode, RespHeaders, Body} = taser:request(post, URL, Headers, #{
connect_timeout => 5000,
response_timeout => 5000,
follow_redirects => true,
max_redirects => 5,
data => <<"Hello world!">>
{ok, StatusCode, RespHeaders, Body} =
{ok, StatusCode, RespHeaders, Body} =
taser:post_form("http://httpbin.org/post", #{ key => value }).
- Headers as maps/tuples/both?
- Check status on gzip bombs
- Automatically format payloads and inject proper content type (form encoded, json, multipart)
- Max body size
- Send timeout?
- Tests and stuff
- Add ability to bypass URL-parsing by passing a tuple to