- Locates all jpg files in given directory (recursively)
- For each file
- Rename file according to DateTaken, e.g. yyyy-MM-dd_HHmmss.jpg
- Copy to a folder structure based on year/month.
The final output directory structure will look like this:
$ dotnet run image-organizer.dll inputdirectory outputdirectory
The original files will not be modified. All files are copied from input to output directory.
- Duplicates are skipped
- Images with same DateTaken tag are put in same directory but suffixed with an unique number.
Dotnet runtime is required to run. Dotnet SDK is required to build it. Download it from https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/
Download source code and build it (sdk ) with
$ dotnet build
Or download compiled dll from AppVeyour: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/henningjensen/image-organizer/build/artifacts