React Material Design - React components built with sass
react-md is a set of React components and sass files for implementing Google's Material Design. The Documentation Website can be used for viewing live examples, code samples, and general prop documentation.
$ npm install --save react react-dom react-md
There are also a few examples available within the examples folder to help get you started.
The application should define a primary
and secondary
color. The primary
should be chosen from one of the '-500'
colors and the secondary
should be one of
the 'a-'
The default color palette is defined as:
$md-primary-color: $md-indigo-500 !default;
$md-secondary-color: $md-pink-a-200 !default;
If you change these variables before the react-md-everything
mixin is included, your entire
application will be styled with your new theme.
@import '~react-md/src/scss/react-md';
$md-primary-color: $md-teal-500;
$md-secondary-color: $md-lime-a-400;
@include react-md-everything;
See the themes page on the documentation website. There is also a theme builder available to try mix and matching different colors.
There are currently no styles applied to links by default for two reasons:
- There aren't many guidelines for link styling in Material Design (or there weren't when I started this project)
- Most of the time, links will mostly be handled by the
component with areact-router
If you would like some default link styles, you can copy/paste the following block to get some reasonable defaults.
// These are the styles that are applied to the documentation site.
// If you want **ALL** links to have these styles, you can of course change it to be applied
// to all <a> tags
.link {
color: $md-primary-color;
display: inline-block;
text-decoration: none;
transition: color $md-transition-time;
&:visited {
color: get-swatch($md-primary-color, 200, true);
&:hover {
color: get-color('text', $md-light-theme);
text-decoration: underline;
Please see the list of examples for how you can get a project started off quickly with React and React MD.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="|Roboto:400,500,700">
<div id="app"></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
var MyAwesomeComponent = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return React.createElement(ReactMD.Button, { label: 'Hello, World!', flat: true });
ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(MyAwesomeComponent), document.getElementById('app'));
- Bottom sheets
- Steppers
- Eventually add Floating button transitions/morphing abilities. Ex: Speed Dial, Morph into toolbar/material/paper
Please see the documentation site README
for information about contributing using the documentation server. Otherwise, here is some information about only working
within react-md
Right now I am using the Ruby
version of scss_lint
to lint scss files. This means that you will need to have Ruby installed
and the sass-lint
$ gem install scss_lint
I have an issue (#274) open about switching over to the node port, but it hasn't really been worked on because I don't like the little amount of features that have been ported over so far.
Otherwise this should work on most systems with node >= 6.
mlaursen @ ~/code/react-md
$ yarn
$ yarn build # build the es and lib folders for docs scripts
$ cd docs
mlaursen @ ~/code/react-md/docs
$ yarn
$ cp .env.example .env
$ cd ..
mlaursen @ ~/code/react-md
$ yarn dev
This will run both the lint:styles and lint:scripts commands.
This will attempt to automatically fix any eslint
errors that can be fixed.
As stated above, this will lint all the scss files within the src/scss
directory. Unfortunately, this requires the Ruby gems
version of scss-lint
to be installed to work because the node port isn't quite there yet for me. You can either
remove this temporarily from the build process or:
$ gem install scss_lint
This will run eslint
over all the files in the src/js
This command will run test:tsc followed by jest
This will do a simple Typescript compliation test to make sure there aren't any syntax errors or invalid types. There should probably be a better testing system put in place.
This will just run jest
in watch mode.
This will just run jest
in the docs folder.
This will just run jest
in watch mode in the docs folder.
This will run tests for Typescript definitions, the base react-md repo, and the docs folder.
This command will just copy all the Typescript definitions into the lib
folder so that it can be used correctly
by Typescript users.
This script makes 255 different scss files to be compiled for production use. This is automatically run before build.
This will start up the documentation server in development mode as well as watching for changes within the base react-md library. Please look at the Getting Started for some preliminary setup required.
This will start up the documentation server in development mode as well as watching for changes within the base react-md library. The only difference is that the docs:minimal command will be run instead of docs
This will start up the documentation server in development mode. For some more information about this command, please see the documentation server scripts.
This will start up the documentation server in development mode without rebuilding all the "databases" before startup.
This command is automatically run before build. It will basically remove all the old artifacts and compiled files followed by linting the entire project.
This command will do the full build of react-md
before a release. It runs almost all of the other scripts in a specified
order so that the es
, lib
folders are created and contain the correct files for release.
This command will just build and watch changes for the CommonJS and ES6 modules distributables. This is just used behind the scenes for the dev command for hot reloads.
This command will build the CommonJS distributables for react-md.
This command will build the CommonJS distributables for react-md and recompile when changes occur.
This command will build the ES6 modules distributables for react-md.
This command will build the ES6 modules distributables for react-md and recomple when changes occur.
This command will create the UMD bundles for development and production use. It will also display the size of the production UMD bundle in pretty format bytes.