- A Web3 wallet library with tools to fasten your react-native application development. Uses ethers v6 library.
This wallet module does not expose the private key, and only advocates storing the keystore or the mnemonic with the password authentication locally, and does not activate the wallet except for write operations.
npm i multichain-wallet-react-native@latest
npm install react-native-get-random-values --save
npm install react-native --save
- Create EVM-compatible wallets (Ethereum, etc.)
- Retrieve wallet addresses from mnemonics
- Export and Import private keys from mnemonics
- exportPrivateKeyFromKeystore
- importMnemonic
- getBalance
- getGasPrice
- getGasLimit
- simulateTransactionCost
- sendTransaction
- Below are some examples of how to use the library Import
import { multichainWallet } from 'multichain-wallet-react-native'
const multichain = new multichainWallet()
async function generateMnemonic() {
const passCode = "helloworld"
const { keystore, privateKey, address, mnemonic } = await multichain.createWalletEVM(passCode);
console.log(JSON.stringify(keystore), privateKey, address, mnemonic);
// Note: Mnemonics with less than 12 words have low entropy and may be guessed by an attacker.
- Response
'execute', 'salt',
'describe', 'expect',
'rescue', 'island',
'script', 'check',
'fiscal', 'october',
'breeze', 'venue'
async function getAddress() {
const mnemonic = [
const mnemonicPhrase = mnemonic.join('')
const { address } = await multichain.getAddressFromMnemonic(mnemonicPhrase);
console.log(`Address: ${address}`);
- Reponse
address: '0xfBE11AC0258cc8288cA24E818691Eb062f7042E9',
async function getPrivateKey() {
const mnemonic = [
const mnemonicPhrase = mnemonic.join(' ')
const { privateKey } = await multichain.exportPrivateKeyFromMnemonic(mnemonicPhrase);
console.log(`Private Key: ${privateKey}`);
- Reponse
privateKey: '0xfdf745f45d1942feea79b4c0a3fc1ca67da366899f7e6cebaa06496806ca8127',
async function getPrivateKey() {
const passCode = "helloworld"
cont keyStore = { } //the keystore object returned when creating a wallet
const { privateKey } = await multichain.exportPrivateKeyFromKeystore(keyStore, passCode);
console.log(`Private Key: ${privateKey}`);
- Reponse
privateKey: '0xfdf745f45d1942feea79b4c0a3fc1ca67da366899f7e6cebaa06496806ca8127',
async function importWalletFromKey() {
const passCode = "helloworld"
cont privateKey = "0xfdf745f45d1942feea79b4c0a3fc1ca67da366899f7e6cebaa06496806ca8127" //the privateKey to which you want to import the wallet
const { keyStore } = await multichain.importPrivateKey(privateKey, passCode);
console.log(`Kestore Key: ${keyStore}`);
- Reponse Returns a keyStore object where, you can access wallet address, privateKey etc
keyStore: { }
async function importWalletMnemonic() {
const passCode = "helloworld"
const mnemonic = [
]; //the mnemonic to which you want to import the wallet
const mnemonicPhrase = mnemonic.join(' ')
const { keyStore } = await multichain.importPrivateKey(mnemonicPhrase, passCode);
console.log(`Kestore Key: ${keyStore}`);
- Reponse Returns a keyStore object where, you can access wallet address, privateKey etc
keyStore: { }
async function verifyMnemonic() {
passCode = "helloworld"
const mnemonic = [
]; //the mnemonic to which you want to verify
const mnemonicPhrase = mnemonic.join(' ')
const { verify } = await multichan.verifyMnemonic(mnemonicPhrase, passCode);
console.log(` verification ${verify}`);
- Reponse Returns a boolen: true or false
verify: true
const getBalanceNative = async()=>{
const userAddress = "0x86bc300654DE52620bB871E8B0922e52d4a06E43";
const networkDetail = { rpcUrl: "https://go.getblock.io/31788de76faf4a1bb4f3e02d53ab32fc", chainId:"56" };
const { balance}= await multichan.getBalanceNative(userAddress, networkDetail);
- Reponse Returns the native wallet balance formatted
balance: "0.0004"
const getBalanceERC20 = async()=>{
const walletAddress = "0x86bc300654DE52620bB871E8B0922e52d4a06E43";
const networkDetail = { rpcUrl: "https://bsc-mainnet.nodereal.io/v1/2bdae634f9e947bd90b08c63b3e21c0c", chainId:"56" };
const tokenAddress = "0xEF0146906fA7d0cD5Ba997d1F340B714e275317d"
const { balance } = await multichan.getBalanceERC20(walletAddress, networkDetail, tokenAddress);
- Reponse Returns the erc20 wallet balance formatted
{ balance: '161268.403340769349615978' }
const getGasPrice = async()=>{
const networkDetail = { rpcUrl: "https://bsc-mainnet.nodereal.io/v1/2bdae634f9e947bd90b08c63b3e21c0c", chainId:"56" };
const { gasPrice }= await multichan.getGasPrice(networkDetail);
- Reponse Returns the network gasPrice in Gwei formatted
gasPrice: '3.0'
const getWalletGasLimit = async()=>{
const networkDetail = { rpcUrl: "https://bsc-mainnet.nodereal.io/v1/2bdae634f9e947bd90b08c63b3e21c0c", chainId:"56" };
const tokenAddress = "0xEF0146906fA7d0cD5Ba997d1F340B714e275317d"
const fromAddress = "0x86bc300654DE52620bB871E8B0922e52d4a06E43"
const toAddress = "0x68601FCb114F5480D20c0338a63411aaDfe7c9ce";
const amount = "0.00001";
const data = "0x";
const {gasLimit} = await multichan.getGasLimit(fromAddress, toAddress, amount, data , networkDetail);
- Reponse Returns the gasLimit of wallet address formatted
gasLimit: "210000"
const simulateTransactionCost = async()=>{
const networkDetail = { rpcUrl: "https://bsc-mainnet.nodereal.io/v1/2bdae634f9e947bd90b08c63b3e21c0c", chainId:"56" };
const fromAddress = "0x86bc300654DE52620bB871E8B0922e52d4a06E43"
const toAddress = "0x68601FCb114F5480D20c0338a63411aaDfe7c9ce";
const amount = "0.00001";
const data = "0x";
const { totalCost} = await multichan.simulateTransactionCost(fromAddress, toAddress, amount, data , networkDetail);
- Reponse Returns the totalCost of the transaction after simulation formatted.
totalCost: "0.002"
const sendTransaction = async()=>{
const signer ="6c7a59f2f019ed9ae8eef9e5bae9e83a837a2f67197011257bd4c0ef6611a300";
const networkDetail = {
chainId: "56",
const toAddress = "0x68601FCb114F5480D20c0338a63411aaDfe7c9ce";
const amount = "0.00001";
const { transactionHash } = await multichan.sendTransaction(
console.log({ transactionHash });
- Reponse Returns the transaction hash of the transaction after the transaction broadcasted.
transactionHash: "0x03854356645396097a8e528e3c27f97107ecc98f2ac9296427d8e3782b91a2c5"
- Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue.