The goal of the mini-projects is to implement a Noise2Noise model. A Noise2Noise model is an image denoising network trained without a clean reference image. The original paper can be found at
Figure 1: this is an example of 4 noisy images. The model is trained with pairs of noisy images.
Figure 2: these 4 images are doised by the model.
The project has two parts, focusing on two different facets of deep learning.
The first one is to build a network that denoises images using the PyTorch framework, in particular the torch.nn modules and autograd.
The second one is to understand and build a framework, its constituent modules, that are the standard building blocks of deep networks without PyTorch’s autograd.
Our results can be found in hte "report" file in each project file.
"" and "" provide an example of how to run the models.
To reproduce the experiment you can download the dataset here: Then place "train_data.pkl" and "val_data.pkl" in the top folder.
This project was realised in the scope of the class Deep learning (EE-559) thaught by François Fleuret.
The exact description of the project can be found in "Project_description.pdf"