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Herbify (Herbs Identify)

Hello, this is the Capstone Project Bangkit 2021 android mobile app repository from team (B21-CAP0082)

Our Teams

Team ID : B21-CAP0082

Nama Bangkit-ID Path
Gellen Surya Dewanta C1581749 Machine Learning
Maria Gita Teresa Febriani C1581746 Machine Learning
Indira Prakoso M0060556 Cloud Computing
Jeremy Onesimus Carnagie M3122795 Cloud Computing
Dyas Irvan Masruri A1581748 Android
Fauzan Aji Prayoga A0070742 Android

What is Herbify?

We built an application that is used to identify herbal plants by machine learning and provide information about the health benefits and recipes of herbal plants in a mobile application namely "Herbify". With Herbify, we hope that people can increase their knowledge about how to use medicinal plants which are one of Indonesia's natural wealth.

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  • Get Herbs Information
  • Get Herbs Recipes
  • Scan Herb With Camera
  • Save History Scan

Tech Stack

  • Kotlin. - KotlinKotlin.
  • Kotlin Coroutines.
  • MVVM Architecture.
  • Material Design.
  • Jetpack Navigation Component.
  • Retrofit (Networking).
  • Hilt (Dependency Injection).
  • Room (Local).

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How to try our Apps

  1. Visit our website here
  2. Scan the barcode and download the package installation
  3. Install the app and ready to go


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