pterodactyle-panel Public
Forked from pterodactyl/panelPterodactyl® is a free, open-source game server management panel built with PHP, React, and Go. This fork goal is to enable Pterodactyl panel to initialize with custom nests and eggs.
PHP Other UpdatedOct 7, 2024 -
herms-shop-frontend Public
Frontend for Herms Shop ecommerce application
example-provider Public
Forked from pactflow/example-providerAn example of a provider that uses Pact+PactFlow to honour a consumer driven contract with its consumer
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 6, 2024 -
example-consumer Public
Forked from pactflow/example-consumerAn example of a consumer that uses Pact+PactFlow to create a consumer driven contract with its provider
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 6, 2024 -
hermscoder.github.io Public
Angular frontend of the Hermscoder blog and portfolio.
TypeScript UpdatedFeb 23, 2024 -
data-structures-algorithms Public
Welcome to Data Structures & Algorithms in Java! This is basically everything I could retain when studying about Data Structures and Algorithms. I tried to make hard concepts easy to understand.
taskme-spa Public
That a single page application, developed in angular, pointing to a Java Rest API on heroku, that is on my github as well (taskme-app).If you want to check the result till now, check the website (m…
react-ts-flexbox Public
The Flexible Box Layout Module, makes it easier to design flexible responsive layout structure without using float or positioning.
TypeScript UpdatedSep 26, 2022 -
taskme-app Public
REST back-end made with Java, and using the framework SpringBoot. It is used as a API for the taskme-spa application, that is located on this github as well. If you want to check the result till no…
react-ts-shopping-cart Public
This React application is a simple store with a shopping cart on localStorage.
TypeScript UpdatedAug 31, 2022 -
exercice-resolutions Public
Repository with the solution of proposed exercises.
Java UpdatedMay 7, 2022 -
shareit-archetype Public
Shareit Archetype is an archetype with the goal to unify and improve the way new microservices are built for the shareit platform.
Java UpdatedApr 10, 2022 -
car-rent Public
This is an simple software that simulates an Car Rent company, made using JDBC and JavaFX, with postgreSQL database.
Java UpdatedJan 12, 2022 -
fapi-api Public
FAPI is an application that gives the frontend developers the possibility of start working without having to wait for the backend API to be ready.
Java UpdatedMay 26, 2021 -
todo-list Public
A TODO list app made with react, bootstrap and firebase.
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 25, 2021 -
envy-api Public
Saving money application API, that uses the Envelope System
Java UpdatedDec 14, 2020 -
CrossValidation Public
That's a simple program that based on a txt file, with some test data, it can be trained to classify an unknown object.
Invoices Public
A small java Web application that can display invoices. Made using JSF as frontend and EJB in the backend.
HTML UpdatedFeb 16, 2018