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implementation 'io.github.hextriclosan:algorithm:0.0.4'
Disjoint Set a.k.a. Union-Find data structure implementation
DisjointSet<String> disjointSet = new DisjointSet<>();
disjointSet.makeSets(List.of("New York", "Los Angeles", "Chicago", "Houston"));
record Edge(String firstCity, String secondCity, int distance) {
List<Edge> edges = List.of(
new Edge("New York", "Los Angeles", 2445),
new Edge("New York", "Chicago", 790),
new Edge("New York", "Houston", 1628),
new Edge("Los Angeles", "Chicago", 2015),
new Edge("Los Angeles", "Houston", 1547),
new Edge("Chicago", "Houston", 1092)
.filter(edge -> disjointSet.find(edge.firstCity()) != disjointSet.find(edge.secondCity()))
.forEach(edge -> {
disjointSet.union(edge.firstCity(), edge.secondCity());
// prints out
// Edge[firstCity=New York, secondCity=Chicago, distance=790]
// Edge[firstCity=Chicago, secondCity=Houston, distance=1092]
// Edge[firstCity=Los Angeles, secondCity=Houston, distance=1547]
Compares Iterables lexicographically
Comparator<Iterable<Character>> comparator = new LexicographicalComparator<>();'A', 'B', 'C'), List.of('C', 'B', 'A')); // -1
Evaluates if Iterable is sorted.
Predicate<Iterable<Character>> predicate = new IsSortedPredicate<>();
predicate.test(List.of('A', 'B', 'C')); // true
Evaluates if one list is permutation of another.
BiPredicate<List<Character>, List<Character>> predicate = new IsPermutationPredicate<>();
predicate.test(List.of('A', 'B', 'C'), List.of('C', 'B', 'A')); // true
Inspired by next_permutation
algorithms from C++ standard
library. The iterator creates permutations of an input collection, using the lexicographical order.
Iterator<List<Character>> iterator = new NextPermutationIterator<>(List.of('A', 'B', 'B'));
// prints out
// [A, B, B]
// [B, A, B]
// [B, B, A]
This iterator creates random samples of a given size from the input List
The algorithm preserves original order of elements.
Iterator<List<Character>> iterator = new SamplingIterator<>(List.of('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H'), 3);
// one of possible outputs
// [A, D, H]
// [B, E, G]
// [C, F]