Flutter realtime object detection with Tensorflow Lite
An app made with Flutter and TensorFlow Lite for realtime object detection using model YOLO, SSD, MobileNet, PoseNet.
Realtime object detection on the live camera
Using Model: YOLOv2-Tiny, SSDMobileNet, MobileNet, PoseNet
Save image has been detected
MVVM architecture
- Install Packages
camera: get the streaming image buffers
tflite: run model TensorFlow Lite
provider: state management
2. Configure Project
- Android
android {
aaptOptions {
noCompress 'tflite'
noCompress 'lite'
minSdkVersion 21
3. Load model
loadModel() async {
await Tflite.loadModel(
model: "assets/models/yolov2_tiny.tflite",
//ssd_mobilenet.tflite, mobilenet_v1.tflite, posenet_mv1_checkpoints.tflite
labels: "assets/models/yolov2_tiny.txt",
//ssd_mobilenet.txt, mobilenet_v1.txt
//numThreads: 1, // defaults to 1
//isAsset: true, // defaults: true, set to false to load resources outside assets
//useGpuDelegate: false // defaults: false, use GPU delegate
4. Run model
For Realtime Camera
Future<List<dynamic>?> runModelOnFrame(CameraImage image) async {
var recognitions = await Tflite.detectObjectOnFrame(
bytesList: image.planes.map((plane) {
return plane.bytes;
model: "YOLO",
imageHeight: image.height,
imageWidth: image.width,
imageMean: 0, // defaults to 127.5
imageStd: 255.0, // defaults to 127.5
threshold: 0.2, // defaults to 0.1
numResultsPerClass: 1,
return recognitions;
Future<List<dynamic>?> runModelOnFrame(CameraImage image) async {
var recognitions = await Tflite.detectObjectOnFrame(
bytesList: image.planes.map((plane) {
return plane.bytes;
model: "SSDMobileNet",
imageHeight: image.height,
imageWidth: image.width,
imageMean: 127.5,
imageStd: 127.5,
threshold: 0.4,
numResultsPerClass: 1,
return recognitions;
Future<List<dynamic>?> runModelOnFrame(CameraImage image) async {
var recognitions = await Tflite.runModelOnFrame(
bytesList: image.planes.map((plane) {
return plane.bytes;
imageHeight: image.height,
imageWidth: image.width,
numResults: 5
return recognitions;
Future<List<dynamic>?> runModelOnFrame(CameraImage image) async {
var recognitions = await Tflite.runPoseNetOnFrame(
bytesList: image.planes.map((plane) {
return plane.bytes;
imageHeight: image.height,
imageWidth: image.width,
numResults: 5
return recognitions;
For Image
Future<List<dynamic>?> runModelOnImage(File image) async {
var recognitions = await Tflite.detectObjectOnImage(
path: image.path,
model: "YOLO",
threshold: 0.3,
imageMean: 0.0,
imageStd: 127.5,
numResultsPerClass: 1
return recognitions;
Output format:
detectedClass: "dog",
confidenceInClass: 0.989,
rect: {
x: 0.0,
y: 0.0,
w: 100.0,
h: 100.0
index: 0,
label: "WithMask",
confidence: 0.989
score: 0.5,
keypoints: {
0: {
x: 0.2,
y: 0.12,
part: nose,
score: 0.803
1: {
x: 0.2,
y: 0.1,
part: leftEye,
score: 0.8666
5. Issue
Downgrading TensorFlowLiteC to 2.2.0
Downgrade your TensorFlowLiteC in /ios/Podfile.lock to 2.2.0
run pod install in your /ios folder
6. Source code
please checkout repo github
- Demo Illustration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__i7PRmz5kY&ab_channel=HienNguyen
- Image