Sdk for developing faspay API the platform that works with this SDK:
- Android (with include it as library)
- Flutter (with include it as library)
this sdk contains 2 parts of payment ,debit and credit, debit mostly use POST Rest API with json, all objects are wrapped for faspay credit - click here -
for faspay debit you can follow docs below
to begin, you must extends the class FaspayUserDebit like this:
public class TestFaspayUserProduction extends FaspayUserDebit{
public TestFaspayUserProduction() {
super(bla bla bla);
public class TestFaspayUserDevelopment extends FaspayUserDebit{
public TestFaspayUserProduction() {
super(bla bla bla);
or you can make it with setting all properties, but thats not recommended.
this phase rely on class FaspayConfigDebitDev (if you are still in development phase), FaspayConfigDebitProd (if you are ready to depoly as productions) , base class is FaspayConfigDebit, so you should use FaspayConfigDebit as declare class on instance, code as follows:
// if you ready to submit to production
TestFaspayUser mTestFaspayUser = new TestFaspayUserProduction();
FaspayConfigDebit mFaspayConfig = new FaspayConfigDebitProd(mTestFaspayUser);
//if you are still in development phase
TestFaspayUser mTestFaspayUser = new TestFaspayUserDevelopment();
FaspayConfigDebit mFaspayConfig = new FaspayConfigDebitDev(mTestFaspayUser);
this function is needed to get payment channel based on your purcahse this phase are implementation of class FaspayInquiryPCService to declare, write it as follows:
FaspayInquiryService service = new FaspayInquiryPCServiceImpl(mFaspayConfig);
service.inquiryPaymentChannel(new FaspayInquiryPCService.FaspayInquiryServiceCallback() {
public void onGetPaymentChannel(List<FaspayPaymentChannel> channel) {
for (FaspayPaymentChannel faspayPaymentChannel : channel) {
System.out.println(faspayPaymentChannel.getPg_code() + " " + faspayPaymentChannel.getPg_name());
public void onErrorGetPaymentChannel(Exception e) {
public void onUserNotRegistered(UnregisteredError mUnregisteredError) {
this function is needed for you to create payment
//from previous code
TestFaspayUser mTestFaspayUser = new TestFaspayUser();
FaspayConfigDebit mFaspayConfig = new FaspayConfigDebitDev(mTestFaspayUser);
//from inquiry payment channel,or mock it
FaspayPaymentChannel mFaspayPaymentChannel = new FaspayPaymentChannel();
//list all your items
List<FaspayPayment> item = new ArrayList<>();
// (#Item name, #amount ,#price, #paymentType, #merchantId , #tenorType)
item.add(new FaspayPayment("Item Name", 1, 100000, FaspayPayment.PAYMENT_PLAN_FULL_SETTLEMENT, mFaspayConfig.getFaspayUser().getMerchantId(), FaspayPayment.TENOR_FULL));
//create bill data
// (String billNo,String billDesc, int expired_day_interval, String billTotal,List<FaspayPayment> item)
FaspayPaymentRequestBillData billing = new FaspayPaymentRequestBillData("123123", "x", 10, "10000", item);
//create bill user data
//(String phoneNumber, String email, String terminal, String custNo, String custName)
FaspayPaymentRequestUserData mFaspayPaymentRequestUserData = new FaspayPaymentRequestUserData("087123123123", "", String.valueOf(FaspayPaymentRequestWrapper.TERMINAL_MOBILE_APP_ANDROID), "123123", "hahahaha");
//create shipping data
FaspayPaymentRequestShippingData mFaspayPaymentRequestShippingData = new FaspayPaymentRequestShippingData();
//wrap it up
FaspayPaymentRequestWrapper mFaspayPaymentRequestWrapper = new FaspayPaymentRequestWrapper(mFaspayConfig, billing, mFaspayPaymentChannel, mFaspayPaymentRequestUserData, mFaspayPaymentRequestShippingData);
//send to server
FaspayPaymentService mFaspayPaymentService = new FaspayPaymentServiceImpl(mFaspayConfig);
mFaspayPaymentService.createBilling(mFaspayPaymentRequestWrapper, new FaspayPaymentService.FaspayCreateBillingServiceCallback() {
public void onGetPaymentResponse(FaspayPaymentResponse channel) {
inquiry(channel, mFaspayPaymentService, mFaspayConfig);
public void onErrorGetPaymentResponse(Exception e) {
public void onUserNotRegistered(UnregisteredError mUnregisteredError) {
System.out.println("unreg " + mUnregisteredError.getResponse_error().getResponse_desc());
when users accept payment or cancel payment the notification of payment status are sent to your server , Contact faspay support to register your callback url notification,
your callback controller from your http server must response the request from faspay in the format that suits faspay needs , the format could be generated with this code in your controller
FaspayXMLResponse e = new XmlMapper().readValue((raw), FaspayXMLResponse.class);
// here your can get property from FaspayXMLResponse to be handled
new XmlMapper().writeValue(res, new FaspayTraceSuccessXMLResponse(e));
this function is needed for you to cancel payment
//create inline Wrapper (String trxId, String billNo, String paymentCancel,FaspayConfigDebit mFaspayConfig)
//and send it
mFaspayPaymentService.cancelTransaction(new FaspayCancelPaymentRequestWrapper( channel.getTrxId(), channel.getBillNo(), "test", conf), new FaspayPaymentService.FaspayCancelPaymentCallback() {
public void onCancelPaymentSuccess(FaspayCancelPaymentResponse channel) {
System.out.println("CANCELED " + channel.getPaymentStatusDesc());
public void onErrorRequstCancelPayment(Exception e) {
System.out.println("error ");
public void onUserNotRegistered(UnregisteredError mUnregisteredError) {
this function is needed for you to inquirt payment
//and send it
mFaspayPaymentService.inqueryPaymentStatus(new FaspayPaymentStatusRequestWrapper("", channel.getTrxId(), channel.getBillNo(), conf), new FaspayPaymentService.FaspayInquiryPaymentStatusCallback() {
public void onGetInquiryPaymentStatusResponse(FaspayPaymentStatusResponse channel) {
System.out.println("OK "+channel.getPaymentStatusDesc());
public void onErrorGetInquiryPaymentStatusResponse(Exception e) {
System.out.println("ERROR ");
public void onUserNotRegistered(UnregisteredError mUnregisteredError) {