This repository contains the practicals from different modules, as well as interactive tools built in Shiny that can help with understanding the intuition of the methods. These were used during a 6 week long machine learning course for official statistics and SDGs hosted by UN-SIAP. The code is created by Christophe Bontemps and Patrick Jonsson with help and inspiration from Pascal Lavergne.
- Linear and non-linear regression
- Supervised vs unsupervised learning
- k-Nearest Neighbors
- Statistical Learning vs Machine Learning
- Cross validation
Including an interactive Shiny application that visualizes KNN-regression.
- How classification works
- Supervised vs unsupervised classification
- Examples of classifiers
- Measures of fit
- Logit as a classifier
- How to choose the "best" model
Including an interactive Shiny application visualizing a fitted logistic regression curve, the decision boundary, and accuracy measures.
- Linear Regression and all his friends
- Selection of regressors
- Penalization Methods
- How to choose the best model?
- Decision Trees: Construction and visualization
- Selecting hyperparameters for trees
- From trees to forest
- Bagging & Feature sampling
- Random forest
Including an interactive Shiny application that visualizes how the complexity parameter affects the complexity of a decision tree.
- Support Vector Machines
- K-means clustering