A curated list of awesome company handbooks
A company handbook is a set of guidelines targeted towards its employees, potential hires and the community.
- Airbyte
- Atlassian
- Basecamp
- Bonusly
- CG Cookie
- Civic Actions
- Clef
- Cleo
- GitLab
- HolidayExtras
- hospitable
- HubSpot
- Human Made
- Loomio Cooperative
- Made Tech
- Mattermost
- Mondora
- Netflix
- Niteo
- Posthog
- Remote
- RocketChat
- sourcegraph
- sophilabs
- Sparksuite
- Strapi
- Tesla
- thoughtbot
- Valve [PDF]
- Warp
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To the extent possible under law, Haralan Dobrev has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.