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Continuous Integration

rzanoli edited this page Jul 11, 2014 · 32 revisions

Continuous Integration is a software development practice where developers of a team integrate their work frequently (e.g. daily). Each integration is then checked by an automated build, to detect integration errors as quickly as possible. The main goal of continuous integration is to avoid the so called integration hell, a borderline case happening when developers commit their work all together at the end of their development.


Jenkins, the adopted continuous integration tool, monitors both the master branch in the official repository as well as the server-side copy of the developers. As a result the maintainer can check the report prepared by Jenkins for that contribute, both before merging it and after its integration in the master branch. In case of failure Jenkins notifies the maintainer and the developers’ team. To see the current state of EOP you can follow this link:
In addition we configured Jenkins to expose the current status of the EOP build as an image in a fixed URL. Then we put this URL into the GitHub page so that developers can see the current state of the build.

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