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Spring-Boot-Starter that helps consuming JWT Identities in spring restcontrollers


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation

Maven Central Coverage Supported Java Version Sponsor

Getting Started

Add the following dependency to the build file

dependencies {


Adding the issuer and the jwks path for the verification to the



To inject the claimSet into a RestController method just use the @Identity annotation on the parameter

fun getUser(@Identity claimSet: Map<String, Any>): Map<String, Any> {
    // do something with the user claimSet
    return claimSet


By default the jwt token will be resolved from the Authorization Header in the following format Bearer <jwt_token>. To resolve the token from another header or in a different format a bean implementing the RequestTokenResolver interface can be used.

Resolving token from Header x-custom-header: Token <jwt_token>

fun requestTokenResolver(): RequestTokenResolver {
    return object : RequestTokenResolver {

        override fun tokenHeaderName(): String {
            return "x-custom-header"

        override fun tokenResolver(headerValue: String?): String {
            if (headerValue == null) {
                throw UnauthorizedIdentityException("${tokenHeaderName()} Header not present")
            if (!headerValue.startsWith("Token ")) {
                throw UnauthorizedIdentityException("Token is not present")

            return headerValue.replace("Token ", "")


By default the claimSet is represented as a Map<String, Any> to enrich or transform the map into a typed object a bean implementing the ClaimSetTransformer interface can be used.

Transforming claimSet to a CustomUser object

data class CustomUser(val id: String, val name: String, val email: String)

fun claimSetTransformer(): ClaimSetTransformer {
    return object : ClaimSetTransformer {
        override fun transform(claimSet: Map<String, Any>): Any {
            return CustomUser(
                claimSet["sub"] as String,
                claimSet["name"] as String,
                claimSet["email"] as String,

// transformed object
fun getUser(@Identity user: CustomUser): CustomUser {
    // do something with the user claimSet
    return user

Loading a user object

interface UserRepository : MongoRepository<String, DatabaseUser>

class UserLoadingClaimSetTransformer(
    private val userRepository: UserRepository
) : ClaimSetTransformer {
    override fun transform(claimSet: Map<String, Any>): Any {
        return userRepository.findById(claimSet["sub"] as String)

// transformed object
fun getUser(@Identity user: DatabaseUser): CustomUser {
    // do something with the user claimSet
    return user