Deploy a containerized API into a staging environment in a public cloud automatically whenever new commits are integrated into the main branch.
- Cloud Platform: AWS
- Code Hosting Platform: GitHub
- CI/CD Tool: Jenkins with Jenkins Pipeline
- Infrastructure Management Tool: Terraform
- Configuration Management Tool: Ansible
- Image Management Tool: Packer
- Container Build Tool: Docker
- API: Express.js
- Staging Environment for Jenkins: EC2 instance
- Staging Environment for API: ECS Fargate with ALB and application auto-scaling
See the repository devops_cicd.
Pipeline definition here.
- Checkout source code. Tool: GIT Jenkins plugin.
- Prebuild: create the ECR repository for the API. Tool: Terraform.
- Build: build the docker image for the API and push it to the ECR repository. Tools: Docker + AWS CLI.
- DeployStaging: build the staging environment for the API. Tool: Terraform.
- Destroy (on-demand): delete the staging environment and the ECR repository. Tool: Terraform.
- S3 bucket to store the Terraform states (see "bucket" in the prebuild configuration and in the deploy staging configuration).
- AWS CLI profile named devops_jenkins (see "profile" in the prebuild configuration and in the deploy staging configuration). Permissions needed: IAM, ELB, ECR, S3, CloudWatch Logs, ECS, and VPC.
Push some changes in the main branch of the current repo to trigger the pipeline in Jenkins.
Otherwise, you can also run a "logical copy" of the pipeline locally: