Files to document and automate the setup and customization of a new Mac/Linux system
I like to use zsh with the prezto config system. See the [] repository
cd ~
mkdir Code
- install brew. See (
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew tap caskroom/cask homebrew/completions homebrew/versions pivotal/tap
brew install ant bash-completion brew-cask cloudfoundry-cli cmake docker-completion git jq nave rbenv readline the_silver_searcher tig tmux tree vim wget
Install the Powerline fonts
cd ~/Code
git clone
TBD - use mutewinter with customization. Requires vim 7.4 or higher. The YouCompleteMe plugin requires cmake. Install vim and cmake from brew to get the latest.
brew install vim cmake
git clone ~/.vim
Configuration files
- Preferences.sublime-settings
- Package Control.sublime-settings
- TBD - document setup and automate. See miohtama/sublime-helper for inspiration
- TBD - document Preferences settings
- Turn on the
View > Show Tabs in Fullscreen
option - Set up iTerm2 to show man pages
- In prefs->profiles->(your profile)->advanced click "edit" under Smart Selection.
- Select the first item, "word bounded by whitespace"
- Click "Edit Actions..." below the table.
- A panel opens. Click the [+] button to add a new action. (these actions are added to the context menu when you right click on a word)
- Double click on the first cell to set the title to "Open Man Page"
- Set the action to "Open URL..."
- Double click on the third cell to set the URL to "x-man-page://\0" (not including quotes, of course)
- Create a new profile
- Name it "Man Page Viewer"
- Set its command to /usr/bin/man
$$HOST$$ - Select "x-man-page" under "Schemes Handled"
- Turn on the