Django NLF provides a simple and easy way to express complex filtering criteria with a filtering language as close to natural language as possible, while providing APIs to further customize the user experience.
Install using pip
pip install django-nlf
And add django_nlf
Then you can use the DjangoNLFilter
with a queryset and a string, containing the filter expression. Please see the Language Reference for more details.
from django_nlf.filters import DjangoNLFilter
from .models import Article
nl_filter = DjangoNLFilter()
qs = Article.objects.all()
q = "author.username is john or title contains news"
# equivalent to Article.objects.filter(Q(author__username="john") | Q(title__icontains="news"))
articles = nl_filter.filter(qs, q)
# Nested logical operators are also supported:
q = "author.username is john and (title contains news or created_at <= 2020-06-05)"
# equivalent to
# Article.objects.filter(
# Q(author__username="john") & (Q(title__icontains="news") | Q(created_at__lte="2020-06-05"))
# )
articles = nl_filter.filter(qs, q)
Simply add the natural language filter backend to your filter backends list.