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Add cuDFInterface to work with cuDF GPU dataframes and cupy support f…
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…or XArrayInterface (#3982)
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philippjfr authored Mar 4, 2020
1 parent f8c1cd6 commit 83490d7
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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions holoviews/core/data/
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except ImportError:

from .cudf import cuDFInterface # noqa (Conditional API import)
except ImportError:

if 'array' not in datatypes:
if 'multitabular' not in datatypes:
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340 changes: 340 additions & 0 deletions holoviews/core/data/
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@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import

import sys
import warnings

import itertools.izip as zip
except ImportError:

from itertools import product

import numpy as np

from .. import util
from ..dimension import dimension_name
from ..element import Element
from ..ndmapping import NdMapping, item_check, sorted_context
from .interface import DataError, Interface
from .pandas import PandasInterface

class cuDFInterface(PandasInterface):
The cuDFInterface allows a Dataset objects to wrap a cuDF
DataFrame object. Using cuDF allows working with columnar
data on a GPU. Most operations leave the data in GPU memory,
however to plot the data it has to be loaded into memory.
The cuDFInterface covers almost the complete API exposed
by the PandasInterface with two notable exceptions:
1) Aggregation and groupby do not have a consistent sort order
3) Not all functions can be easily applied to a cuDF so
some functions applied with aggregate and reduce will not work.

datatype = 'cuDF'

types = ()

def loaded(cls):
return 'cudf' in sys.modules

def applies(cls, obj):
if not cls.loaded():
return False
import cudf
return isinstance(obj, (cudf.DataFrame, cudf.Series))

def init(cls, eltype, data, kdims, vdims):
import cudf
import pandas as pd

element_params = eltype.param.objects()
kdim_param = element_params['kdims']
vdim_param = element_params['vdims']

if isinstance(data, (cudf.Series, pd.Series)):
data = data.to_frame()

if not isinstance(data, cudf.DataFrame):
data, _, _ = PandasInterface.init(eltype, data, kdims, vdims)
data = cudf.from_pandas(data)

ncols = len(data.columns)
index_names = []
if index_names == [None]:
index_names = ['index']
if eltype._auto_indexable_1d and ncols == 1 and kdims is None:
kdims = list(index_names)

if isinstance(kdim_param.bounds[1], int):
ndim = min([kdim_param.bounds[1], len(kdim_param.default)])
ndim = None
nvdim = vdim_param.bounds[1] if isinstance(vdim_param.bounds[1], int) else None
if kdims and vdims is None:
vdims = [c for c in data.columns if c not in kdims]
elif vdims and kdims is None:
kdims = [c for c in data.columns if c not in vdims][:ndim]
elif kdims is None:
kdims = list(data.columns[:ndim])
if vdims is None:
vdims = [d for d in data.columns[ndim:((ndim+nvdim) if nvdim else None)]
if d not in kdims]
elif kdims == [] and vdims is None:
vdims = list(data.columns[:nvdim if nvdim else None])

# Handle reset of index if kdims reference index by name
for kd in kdims:
kd = dimension_name(kd)
if kd in data.columns:
if any(kd == ('index' if name is None else name)
for name in index_names):
data = data.reset_index()
if any(isinstance(d, (np.int64, int)) for d in kdims+vdims):
raise DataError("cudf DataFrame column names used as dimensions "
"must be strings not integers.", cls)

if kdims:
kdim = dimension_name(kdims[0])
if eltype._auto_indexable_1d and ncols == 1 and kdim not in data.columns:
data = data.copy()
data.insert(0, kdim, np.arange(len(data)))

for d in kdims+vdims:
d = dimension_name(d)
if len([c for c in data.columns if c == d]) > 1:
raise DataError('Dimensions may not reference duplicated DataFrame '
'columns (found duplicate %r columns). If you want to plot '
'a column against itself simply declare two dimensions '
'with the same name. '% d, cls)
return data, {'kdims':kdims, 'vdims':vdims}, {}

def range(cls, dataset, dimension):
column =[dataset.get_dimension(dimension, strict=True).name]
if column.dtype.kind == 'O':
return np.NaN, np.NaN
return (column.min(), column.max())

def values(cls, dataset, dim, expanded=True, flat=True, compute=True,
dim = dataset.get_dimension(dim, strict=True)
data =[]
if not expanded:
data = data.unique()
return data.to_array() if compute else data
elif keep_index:
return data
elif compute:
return data.to_array()
return data

def groupby(cls, dataset, dimensions, container_type, group_type, **kwargs):
# Get dimensions information
dimensions = [dataset.get_dimension(d).name for d in dimensions]
kdims = [kdim for kdim in dataset.kdims if kdim not in dimensions]

# Update the kwargs appropriately for Element group types
group_kwargs = {}
group_type = dict if group_type == 'raw' else group_type
if issubclass(group_type, Element):
group_kwargs['kdims'] = kdims

# Propagate dataset
group_kwargs['dataset'] = dataset.dataset

# Find all the keys along supplied dimensions
keys = product(*([dimensions[0]].unique() for d in dimensions))

# Iterate over the unique entries applying selection masks
grouped_data = []
for unique_key in util.unique_iterator(keys):
group_data =**dict(zip(dimensions, unique_key)))
if not len(group_data):
group_data = group_type(group_data, **group_kwargs)
grouped_data.append((unique_key, group_data))

if issubclass(container_type, NdMapping):
with item_check(False), sorted_context(False):
kdims = [dataset.get_dimension(d) for d in dimensions]
return container_type(grouped_data, kdims=kdims)
return container_type(grouped_data)

def select_mask(cls, dataset, selection):
Given a Dataset object and a dictionary with dimension keys and
selection keys (i.e tuple ranges, slices, sets, lists or literals)
return a boolean mask over the rows in the Dataset object that
have been selected.
mask = None
for dim, sel in selection.items():
if isinstance(sel, tuple):
sel = slice(*sel)
arr = cls.values(dataset, dim, compute=False)
if util.isdatetime(arr) and util.pd:
sel = util.parse_datetime_selection(sel)

new_masks = []
if isinstance(sel, slice):
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', r'invalid value encountered')
if sel.start is not None:
new_masks.append(sel.start <= arr)
if sel.stop is not None:
new_masks.append(arr < sel.stop)
if not new_masks:
new_mask = new_masks[0]
for imask in new_masks[1:]:
new_mask &= imask
elif isinstance(sel, (set, list)):
for v in sel:
if not new_masks:
new_mask = new_masks[0]
for imask in new_masks[1:]:
new_mask |= imask
elif callable(sel):
new_mask = sel(arr)
new_mask = arr == sel

if mask is None:
mask = new_mask
mask &= new_mask
return mask

def select(cls, dataset, selection_mask=None, **selection):
df =
if selection_mask is None:
selection_mask = cls.select_mask(dataset, selection)

indexed = cls.indexed(dataset, selection)
if selection_mask is not None:
df = df[selection_mask]
if indexed and len(df) == 1 and len(dataset.vdims) == 1:
return df[dataset.vdims[0].name].iloc[0]
return df

def concat_fn(cls, dataframes, **kwargs):
import cudf
return cudf.concat(dataframes, **kwargs)

def add_dimension(cls, dataset, dimension, dim_pos, values, vdim):
data =
if not in data:
data[] = values
return data

def aggregate(cls, dataset, dimensions, function, **kwargs):
data =
cols = [ for d in dataset.kdims if d in dimensions]
vdims = dataset.dimensions('value', label='name')
reindexed = data[cols+vdims]
agg = function.__name__
if len(dimensions):
agg_map = {'amin': 'min', 'amax': 'max'}
agg = agg_map.get(agg, agg)
grouped = reindexed.groupby(cols, sort=False)
if not hasattr(grouped, agg):
raise ValueError('%s aggregation is not supported on cudf DataFrame.' % agg)
df = getattr(grouped, agg)().reset_index()
agg_map = {'amin': 'min', 'amax': 'max', 'size': 'count'}
agg = agg_map.get(agg, agg)
if not hasattr(reindexed, agg):
raise ValueError('%s aggregation is not supported on cudf DataFrame.' % agg)
agg = getattr(reindexed, agg)()
data = dict(((col, [v]) for col, v in zip(agg.index, agg.to_array())))
df = util.pd.DataFrame(data, columns=list(agg.index))

dropped = []
for vd in vdims:
if vd not in df.columns:
return df, dropped

def iloc(cls, dataset, index):
import cudf

rows, cols = index
scalar = False
columns = list(
if isinstance(cols, slice):
cols = [ for d in dataset.dimensions()][cols]
elif np.isscalar(cols):
scalar = np.isscalar(rows)
cols = [dataset.get_dimension(cols).name]
cols = [dataset.get_dimension(d).name for d in index[1]]
col_index = [columns.index(c) for c in cols]
if np.isscalar(rows):
rows = [rows]

if scalar:
result =[rows, col_index]

# cuDF does not handle single rows and cols indexing correctly
# as of cudf=0.10.0 so we have to convert Series back to DataFrame
if isinstance(result, cudf.Series):
if len(cols) == 1:
result = result.to_frame(cols[0])
result = result.to_frame().T
return result

def sort(cls, dataset, by=[], reverse=False):
cols = [dataset.get_dimension(d, strict=True).name for d in by]
return, ascending=not reverse)

def dframe(cls, dataset, dimensions):
if dimensions:

10 changes: 2 additions & 8 deletions holoviews/core/data/
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Expand Up @@ -270,15 +270,9 @@ def add_dimension(cls, dataset, dimension, dim_pos, values, vdim):
return data

def concat(cls, datasets, dimensions, vdims):
def concat_fn(cls, dataframes, **kwargs):
import dask.dataframe as dd
dataframes = []
for key, ds in datasets:
data =
for d, k in zip(dimensions, key):
data[] = k
return dd.concat(dataframes)
return dd.concat(dataframes, **kwargs)

def dframe(cls, dataset, dimensions):
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