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Dotfiles are the customization files (their filenames usually begin with a period) that are used to personalize your Linux or other Unix-based systems. This repository contains my personal dotfiles.


  • App Screenshot

  • App Screenshot

  • App Screenshot

  • App Screenshot

Otaku Life
  • App Screenshot
  • App Screenshot
  • App Screenshot


  1. Tiling Window manager Xmonad
  2. Terminal Alacritty
  3. Bottom-Tray Xmobar
  4. Top-Tray Polybar
  5. Wallpaper Manager Nitrogen
  6. Terminal file explorer ranger
  7. Bluetooth-manager Blueman-Manager
  8. Network-manager Dmenu-network
  9. Audio-manager Pulse-Audio

  • Distro Garuda-Linux


  git clone --recursive
  cd themes 
  • choose the theme
  • copy the config files from folder to their default location
rm ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml
cp {path_to_installtion/{theme_folder}/.alacritty.yml} ~/.config/alacritty/

How To Manage Your Own Dotfiles

There are a hundred ways to manage your dotfiles. Personally, I use the git bare repository method for managing my dotfiles. Here is an article about this method of managing your dotfiles: [[][]]

Other articles discussing dotfile management are listed below:


The files and scripts in this repository are licensed under the MIT License, which is a very permissive license allowing you to use, modify, copy, distribute, sell, give away, etc. the software. In other words, do what you want with it. The only requirement with the MIT License is that the license and copyright notice must be provided with the software.