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HappyStriker edited this page Dec 28, 2020 · 6 revisions

Frequently Asked Questions

Debug Mode

HAP-NodeJS uses the debug library for logging output. You can enable all debug outputs of HAP-NodeJS by setting the debug environment variable like the following: DEBUG=HAP-NodeJS:*.
You may want to look at the documentation of debug library for greater control over debug output.

How to perform a factory reset of the Accessory

To fully reset your HAP-NodeJS instance follow the following steps:

  1. Navigate into the Home App and remove the pairing of your Accessory.
    If HAP-NodeJS is still running at that point, this will also remove the pairing on the HAP-NodeJS side and it should be able to repair. To fully reset HAP-NodeJS (or if HAP-NodeJS is not running anymore or not reachable) go on with the next steps.
  2. Stop your HAP-NodeJS application.
  3. Navigate to the directory containing your HAP-NodeJS installation and delete the /persist directory.
  4. Restart your HAP-NodeJS application and repair it in the Home App.