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name: Hoomexsun Pangsatabam
currently: PhD Scholar
affiliation: Dept. of CSE, NIT Manipur
"Don Bosco High School, Chingmeirong (DBS)",
"Herbert School, Changangei",
"Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, Mysore (SJCE)",
"National Institute of Technology Manipur (NITMN)",
2024_targets: ["Stop procrastinating"]
hobbies: ["sleeping", "gaming"]
- tamse_c: Introduction to C Programming.
- tamse_py: Introduction to Python Programming.
- tamse_java: Introduction to Java Programming.
- tamse_kt: Introduction to Kotlin Programming.
- tamse_cpp: Introduction to C++ Programming.
- tamse_sh: Introduction to Shell Programming.
- mm_keyboard: Meetei Mayek Keyboard for windows (developed using MSKLC).
- xlit: Glyph Correction and Machine Transliteration.
- xlit_gui: xlit in gui using tkinter.