Kotlin meets Codic This is sample of Kotlin app about using Codic API. Codic API References
This project is MVC Pattern
Component is user view (activity / fragment / adapter / widget)
activities are extends BaseActivity fragments are extends BaseFragment
- MainActivity 1 - 1 Fragment
- DetailsActivity 1 - n Fragment
Store is component-data connector. If component will access to data, request this. These store are provides from StoreModule.
codic is Codic api connection rest client. These store are inject service(codic -> service is retrofit services) from ApiModule.
realm is realm database connection client. This store is inject realm.
Data is model classes. These folder are codic and realm and... service name folder.
util is app scope using utility.
- realm
- dagger
- otto
- calligraphy
- glide
- glide transformation
- kotlin
- kotterknife
- timber
- rxjava
- rxt4a
- rxbinding
- rxbinding-support-v4
- rxbinding-appcompat-v7
- rxbinding-recyclerview-v7
- rxbinding-kotlin
- rxbinding-support-v4-kotlin
- rxbinding-appcompat-v7-kotlin
- rxbinding-recyclerview-v7-kotlin
- retrofit
- okhttp-urlconnection
- okhttp
- support-v4
- appcompat-v7
- cardview-v7
- recyclerview-v7
- design-support-lib