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Anthony Headley edited this page May 22, 2024 · 66 revisions

grandMA3 LUA Functions

Index updated for

Please note

The below information is not official and has been tested on a trial-and-error basis; thus may be missing or incorrect information. Please take care when using any of the below functions. The below index of functions has been updated but linked documents may not have been updated at this point.

Official Documentation

As of 1.5.2 MA Lighting has started providing information regarding Lua and API functions. You can find further information in the Help pages. Additionally, you can now export a list of functions in your current version of the software using the HelpLua command. the below list is derived from the HelpLua command on software version

How can I help?

If you have found and tested some function that has not been added to this list you can create an Issue with the details.

New in v2.0 but not listed in HelpLua.

  • GridsGetExpandedHeaderCellState()
  • ReleaseProfiling()



  • AddListChildren
  • AddListChildrenNames
  • AddListLuaItem
  • AddListLuaItems
  • AddListNumericItem
  • AddListNumericItems
  • AddListObjectItem
  • AddListPropertyItem
  • AddListPropertyItems
  • AddListRecursiveNames
  • AddListStringItem
  • AddListStringItems
  • Addr
  • AddrNative
  • Append
  • Aquire
  • Changed
  • Children
  • ClearList
  • ClearUIChildren
  • CmdlineChildren (v2.0)
  • CmdlinePtr
  • CommandAt
  • CommandCall
  • CommandCreateDefaults
  • CommandDelete
  • CommandStore
  • Compare
  • Copy
  • Count
  • Create
  • CurrentChild
  • Delete
  • Dump (v2.0)
  • Export
  • Find
  • FindListItemByName
  • FindListItemByValueStr
  • FindParent
  • FindRecursive
  • FindWild
  • Get
  • GetAssignedObj
  • GetChildClass
  • GetClass
  • GetDependencies (v2.0)
  • GetDisplay
  • GetDisplayIndex
  • GetExportFileName
  • GetFader
  • GetFaderText
  • GetLineAt (v2.0)
  • GetLineCount (v2.0)
  • GetListItemAppearance
  • GetListItemButton
  • GetListItemName
  • GetListItemsCount
  • GetListItemValueI64
  • GetListItemValueStr
  • GetListSelectedItemIndex
  • GetOverlay
  • GetReferences (v2.0)
  • GetScreen
  • GetUIChild
  • GetUIChildrenCount
  • GetUIEditor
  • GetUISettings
  • GridCellExists
  • GridGetBase
  • GridGetCellData
  • GridGetCellDimensions
  • GridGetData
  • GridGetDimensions
  • GridGetParentRowId
  • GridGetScrollCell
  • GridGetScrollOffset
  • GridGetSelectedCells
  • GridGetSelection
  • GridGetSettings
  • GridIsCellReadOnly
  • GridIsCellVisible
  • GridMoveSelection (v2.0)
  • GridScrollCellIntoView
  • GridSetColumnSize
  • GridsGetColumnById (v2.0)
  • GridsGetExpandHeaderCell
  • GridsGetExpandHeaderCellState (v2.0)
  • GridsGetLevelButtonWidth
  • GridsGetRowById (v2.0)
  • HasActivePlayback
  • HasDependencies (v2.0)
  • HasEditSettingUI
  • HasEditUI
  • HasParent
  • HasReferences (v2.0)
  • HookDelete
  • Import
  • Index
  • InputCallFunction
  • InputHasFunction
  • InputRun
  • InputSetAdditionalParameter
  • InputSetEditTitle
  • InputSetMaxLength (v2.0)
  • InputSetTitle
  • InputSetValue (v2.0)
  • Insert
  • IsClass
  • IsEmpty
  • IsEnabled (v2.0)
  • IsListItemEmpty
  • IsLocked (v2.0)
  • IsListItemEnabled
  • IsValid
  • IsVisible (v2.0)
  • Load
  • MaxCount
  • OverlaySetCloseCallback
  • Parent
  • PrepareAccess (v2.0)
  • PropertyCount
  • PropertyInfo (v2.0)
  • PropertyName
  • PropertyType
  • Ptr
  • Remove
  • RemoveListItem
  • Resize
  • Save
  • ScrollDo
  • ScrollGetInfo
  • ScrollGetItemByOffset
  • ScrollGetItemOffset
  • ScrollGetItemSize
  • ScrollIsNeeded
  • SelectListItemByIndex
  • SelectListItemByName
  • SelectListItemByValue
  • Set
  • SetChildren
  • SetEmptyListItem
  • SetChildrenRecursive (v2.0)
  • SetContextSensHelpLink (v2.0)
  • SetEmptyListItem (v2.0)
  • SetEnabledListItem (v2.0)
  • SetEnabledListItem
  • SetFader
  • SetListItemAppearance
  • SetListItemName
  • SetListItemValueStr
  • SetPositionHint
  • ShowModal
  • ToAddr
  • UIChildren
  • UILGGetColumnAbsXLeft
  • UILGGetColumnAbsXRight
  • UILGGetColumnWidth
  • UILGGetRowAbsYBottom
  • UILGGetRowAbsYTop
  • UILGGetRowHeight
  • WaitChildren
  • WaitInit


LUA specific

  • _G
  • __CallbacksRegistry
  • assert
  • collectgarbage
  • coroutine
  • debug
  • dofile
  • error
  • getmetatable
  • idx removed in v1.4.0.2
  • io
  • ipairs
  • last removed in v1.4.0.2
  • load
  • loadfile
  • math
  • next
  • os
  • package
  • pairs
  • pcall
  • print
  • rawequal
  • rawget
  • rawlen
  • rawset
  • require
  • select
  • setmetatable
  • string
  • table
  • tonumber
  • tostring
  • type
  • utf8
  • xpcall
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