JIPL is an interpreted programming language, written in Go, that is easy to use and straightforward to learn. It is a simple language but may not be suitable for large projects.
Clone the repo
git clone
Cd to the repo
Run the main.go file
go run ./cmd/main.go
Now you can use JIPL in the terminal
- supported data types
- integers
- booleans
- undefined
- strings
- defining variables
- integers
- syntax
def <variable name> = <value>
- example
def a = 10
- syntax
- booleans
- syntax
def <variable name> = <value>
- example
def a = true
- syntax
- integers
- supported data types
- syntax
function function_name(arguments) { function_body ;})
- example
function add(a,b) { return a+b ;})
- calling functions
- syntax
- example
- syntax
- syntax
If statements
- syntax
if (condition) { body ;} else { else_body ;}
- example
if (a == 10) { return true ;} else { return false ;}
- syntax
- for loops
- syntax
for (initialization; condition; increment) { body ;}
- example
for (def i = 0; i <= 10; i++) { if(i==3){return 3;}}
- syntax
- for loops