DLQ-X9 is a straightforward application that sends a message in a Slack channel every time it detects a new message in an SQS DLQ.
It's quite useful for debugging your application or messaging system.
Note: Every time a message is sent to Slack, it'll be deleted from the queue.
DLQ-X9 supports a YAML file and CLI arguments to load configurations and run smoothly.
Example file:
webhook-url: "<url>"
dlq-name: "<name>"
You can run this project using the available Docker image:
docker run -it \
-e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='<id>' \
-e AWS_REGION='<region>' \
ghcr.io/hpedrorodrigues/dlq-x9:0.1.0 \
--slack.webhook-url '<url>' \
--sqs.dlq-name '<name>'
You can also run this project in your Kubernetes cluster using the manifest
files inside the manifests
Edit the configuration files there, apply them and voilà.