finds IP addresses (both IPv4 and IPv6 by default) in texts and resolves them using the system's local resolver.
It is primarily meant as an interactive tool but can also read from files and pipes.
When reading files (this includes dropping text files on the resolveip icon) on Windows, resolveip adds the console input to the list of inputs. This keeps the console window open after reading all initial inputs. To use resolveip in pipes on Windows, add the -batch
Binaries for Linux, macOS and Windows are automatically built by travis-ci and available on the project's releases page.
Note to macOS users: Open the DMG, copy resolveip into your $PATH
and remove the
quarantine attribute if necessary:
xattr -rd resolveip
Install and configure the Go toolchain. Most Linux distributions already have it packaged. Homebrew also has a package.
go get
# install this if you want to compile for Windows
go git
go install
cd $GOPATH/src/