I have completed my undergraduate from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Jadavpur University, India (2017-21). I work on Deep Learning applications for Computer Vision applications with a focus on Medical Image Analysis. I primarily code in Python and use the PyTorch, Keras and TensorFlow, Scikit libraries for deep learning and machine learning problems. I use MATLAB occassionally. Check out my Google Scholar profile for a detailed understanding of my research interests and complete list of publications. I am also a reviewer for notable peer-reviewed journals (WoS Profile)
I love connecting with different people from around the world, so if you want to be my friend, feel free to reach out and introduce yourself (don’t just say hi, tell me about yourself) 😊 💜
- hritambasak48[at]gmail[dot]com (Preferred)
- hbasak[at]cs[dot]stonybrook[dot]edu (for collaboration)
- Webpage