HTML5 Hacks is more than just a book and a set of companion code repositories. HTML5 Hacks is a group of HTML5 Evangelist/Makers that enjoy pushing the limits of modern web technologies and the programming languages of the Web: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
By creating 'bundles' of hacks packaged into web applications that leverage the Twitter Bootstrap UI and are deployed to remote git repository endpoints such as Github and Heroku, the community of hackers can fork, share, and contribute back to each bundled application.
HTML5 Hacks represents a crossroads between open source social coding, 'Maker' culture, and application development with future-friendly, standards based, web technologies.
Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.
Git is easy to learn and has a tiny footprint with lightning fast performance. It outclasses SCM tools like Subversion, CVS, Perforce, and ClearCase with features like cheap local branching, convenient staging areas, and multiple workflows. For getting started with Git see as a starting point.
GitHub is one of the most popular places to host open source code, because it's free for open source projects and has good integration with the open-source version control system Git. Github's documentation is outstanding, so for more on using Git and Github see Github help as a starting point.
HTML5 Hacks Chapter 10 is a simple, Node.js application utilizing the Express web framework and HTML5 boilerplate. This application has been updated to use Express 3, which provides new syntax and APIs not present in the examples in the text.
To access the latest code from a particular chapter, clone the repo.
$ git clone $ cd chapter10
Or download the latest release.
You can instead fork this repo by clicking the "Fork" button above
Clone your fork to make a local working copy:
$ git clone[your_github_username]/chapter10.git $ cd chapter10
Install node.js.
Make sure your current directory is chapter10 before moving to the next step.
$ cd [your repos path]/chapter10
Install dependencies using the node package manger (npm).
$ sudo npm install
Start the chapter10 demo server from a different terminal window:
$ node app
Visit http://localhost:3000 in a web browser.