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Version 1.0.0

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@jamorrison jamorrison released this 17 Sep 17:52
· 217 commits to master since this release

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Important Note: This version is not backwards compatible with BISCUIT Version 0.3.16 and earlier.

Date Created:

  • 17 September 2021

General Changes:

  • Contact person for BISCUIT updated
  • biscuit markdup removed from API
  • Unnecessary files removed from code base
  • All subcommands now have a help option (-h)
  • General consistency applied for help output
  • Small changes to wording of option descriptions (default values included if not obvious)
  • Error messages added for missing command line arguments
  • Flag/option characters changes for consistency across subcommands (see next section for specific changes)
  • Perl script to generate QC asset files from a reference FASTA file (
    • For help in running: perl -h
  • Bash script added to flip PBAT reads in silico which makes viewing PBAT data in IGV easier (
    • For help in running: bash -h

New Subcommands:

  • qc Generate QC files from input BAM (does not include coverage of base-averaged methylation, use for full QC)
  • version Prints BISCUIT version

Changes affecting specific subcommands/scripts:

  • asm:
    • Include check to see if input is in the correct format
  • bsconv:
    • Flag change: -b-p for printing output in TSV format
    • Split into header and implementation files
    • CpY filter added (functionality is similar to CpH filter, but restricted to CpC and CpT)
  • bsstrand:
    • Split into header and implementation files
  • cinread:
    • Split into header and implementation files
  • epiread:
    • Flag change: -q-@ for number of threads to use
    • Filters added to bring pileup and epiread filters into alignment
      • Includes filters for alignment score (-a), minimum base quality (-b), minimum distance to 5' and 3' ends of read (-5 and -3), and double counting overlapping bases (double counting avoided by default, -d allows double counting)
      • Default values are the same for the filters in both subcommands
    • Updated default to the epiBED format (see the documentation site for more details on the epiBED format)
    • Can output the old epiread format using the -O option
      • Can optionally print all CpG/GpC/SNP locations using the -A option in conjunction with -O (note, the output when running with -A is not compatible with rectangle)
  • mergecg:
    • Flag change: -n-N for NOMe-seq mode
  • tview:
    • Flag change: -f was not originally being read, now is included
  • pileup:
    • Flag change: -q-@ for number of threads
    • Flag change: added in -s flag for step of window dispatching
    • Flag change: -e flag separated into two flags - -5 and -3
      • -5 is the minimum distance from the 5' end of the read (default: 3)
      • -3 is the minimum distance from the 3' end of the read (default: 3)
  • align:
    • Flag change: -t-@ for number of threads to use
    • Flag change: -h-g for max number of hits output in XA tag
    • Flag change: -h now used for help
    • Updated script to reflect changes made to flag/option characters
    • Updated script to include the qc subcommand
    • Added the [-n,--no-cov-qc] option to skip generating the coverage QC files
      • Greatly decreases the runtime when running with this option (especially for large datasets)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed incorrect rounding of methylation fractions (Issue #7)
  • Fixed bug where the minimum distance to end of read filter in pileup and epiread filtered one less base from the 5' end than requested (i.e., INT-1 bases were filtered for -e INT or -5 INT)
  • CX INFO header line in pileup now prints correct CX tags when running in NOMe-seq mode