This project has been written for ProjeIT.
Simple task assignment and management system based on Eisenhower Matrix (Priority Matrix) using Asp .Net Core 6.0, Entity Framework Core Identity, Razor Pages and MsSQL in N-Layer Architecture with MVC.
- .Net Core 6.0
- Entity Framework Core Identity
- Microsoft SQL Server multi relational tables
- Microsoft AspNetCore Mvc NewtonsoftJson - JSON Serializer
- Download files and run solution file with IDE which supports Asp .Net Core 6.0.
- The project will create local database, make migrations, create Admin and Manager roles, create admin user.
- Credentials for Admin role:
- Username: admin
- Password: Admin1.
- Username: admin
- Default credentials for Employee role: After creating Employee user, default username and password will be showed in a popup where right-bottom of the screen.
- Username: Name.Surname (e.g. for John Doe => John.Doe)
- Password: Name.surname1 (e.g. for John Doe => John.Doe1)
- Username: Name.Surname (e.g. for John Doe => John.Doe)
- 1.0
- Initial relase.
- Initial relase.
Tools has been used:
- ASP .Net Core 6.0 to prepare N-Tier Architecture with MVC.
- Microsoft SQL Server to store datas in relational tables.
- Entity Framework Core Indetity for database, account, authorization and role based authentication processes.
- Bootstrap, jQuery, ajax with Razor Pages to Client Side Design.
- FlatLab Template:
Text color in the tasks list is determines according to Eisenhower Matrix Color which is indicated below.
- Important + Urgent = Red
- Important + Not Urgent = Yellow
- Not Important + Urgent = Orange
- Not Important + Not Urgent = Green