matlab simulation of various tasks for Automi
For Turn simulation run the commands as specified in test.m:
Set the values of params
params = [ [15, 0];
[15, 0];
[11, 7];
[20, 0];
[25, 0];
[10, 0]];
m = Humanoid(params);
Function: turn_sim(obj,yawAngle,rollAngle,right_angle,left_angle) Arguments: yawAngle= angle by which the bot turns about the z-axis rollAngle: angle by which waist and torso turn about the x-axis right_angle= angle by which right knee turns about the line joining hip and foot left_angle= angle by which right knee turns about the line joining hip and foot
Pose 1: Centre of mass shifts above the left leg
Pose 2: Right foot rises up
Pose 3: Right leg rotates
Pose 4: Right foot on ground again
Pose 5: COM shifts above right leg
Pose 6: Left foot rises up
Pose 7: Waist turns by angle=YawAngle
Pose 8: Left leg rotates
Pose 9: Left foot again on ground