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Humio agent for Mesos and DC/OS

Log management for developers. Like tail and grep with aggregations and graphs built-in. See Humio website for more information


The goal for this Mesos Framework is to first of all add support for aggregating task logs of all Mesos tasks into Humio. Second to add information that makes sense in a DC/OS deployment.

Getting started

First of all we recommend going through the Task configuration section and at least add a HUMIO_IGNORE label to tasks that you do not want to end up in Humio. All other logs, in stdout and stderr are by default forwarded to Humio

At this point two ways of deploying the framework is supported

  • Universe package
  • Marathon config


Configuration parameters for user of the dcos CLI tool

Property Description Hostname of Humio instance, i.e.
humio.dataspace Dataspace on Humio instance
humio.ingestToken Ingest Token of dataspace
humio.agents ,-list of agents to enable on all DCOS-agents. all to enable all agents DC/OS service name
node.cpus Amount of CPUs allocated to Humio agents on each node
node.mem Amount of memory allocated to Humio agents on each node
node.datadir Directory path for storing state on each node. Default is /var/humio/data


The least recommended Marathon configuration should look something like this.

  "id": "/humio-agent",
  "instances": 1,
  "cpus": 0.5,
  "mem": 512,
  "cmd": "SERVER_PORT=$PORT0 jre*/bin/java -Xms256m -Xmx512m -jar scheduler-*.jar",
  "networks": [
      "mode": "host"
  "portDefinitions": [
      "name": "api",
      "protocol": "tcp",
      "port": 0,
      "labels": { "VIP_0": "/api.humio-agent:80" }
  "env": {
    "SPRING_APPLICATION_NAME": "humio-agent",
    "HUMIO_HOST": "{{}}",
    "HUMIO_DATASPACE": "{{humio.dataspace}}",
    "HUMIO_INGESTTOKEN": "{{humio.ingestToken}}",
    "HUMIO_EXECUTOR_DATADIR": "/var/humio/data",
    "MESOS_RESOURCES_mem": "512"
  "labels": {
  "uris": [
  "upgradeStrategy": {
    "minimumHealthCapacity": 0,
    "maximumOverCapacity": 0
  "healthChecks": [
      "protocol": "HTTP",
      "path": "/application/status",
      "gracePeriodSeconds": 900,
      "intervalSeconds": 10,
      "portIndex": 0,
      "timeoutSeconds": 30,
      "maxConsecutiveFailures": 0

Don't forget to replace {{humio.[host|dataspace|ingestToken]}} as explained in Universe

Addition configuration parameters

Environment variable Allowed value Description
HUMIO_GLOBALFIELDS_* String Add static field to all log and metric events

Elastic beat configuration

Customize own configuration of beats. All variables are optional.

Environment variable Allowed value Description
HUMIO_FILEBEAT_CONFIGURL url: http://example/filebeat.yml See
HUMIO_METRICBEAT_CONFIGURL url: http://example/metricbeat.yml See

Task configuration

Configuration of tasks is managed via Mesos Task Labels. All labels are optional.

Label name Allowed value Description
HUMIO_IGNORE true If set to true the agent will ignore the logs
HUMIO_TYPE string Humio parser
HUMIO_MULTILINE_PATTERN regex Label for the multiline.pattern
HUMIO_MULTILINE_NEGATE true,false Label for the multiline.negate
HUMIO_MULTILINE_MATCH before,after Label for the multiline.match
HUMIO_FIELD_* string Add static field on all events
HUMIO_AGNETS list of ,-Strings List of agents to enable

For multiline configuration see the multiline section in the Filebeat documentation,

Log fields

The agent will add the following fields to each log entry

Field name Description
mesos_slave_id Mesos slave id
mesos_framework_id Mesos framework id
mesos_framework_name Mesos framework name
mesos_task_id Mesos task id
mesos_service_id For DC/OS deployments, the agent will provide a DC/OS service name

Known limitations

  • At this state only logs from the private agents are being forwarded to Humio. #8
  • Only stdout and stderr logs are harvested from tasks

Road map

  • Forward DC/OS metrics. #3