kibit is a static code analyzer for Clojure, ClojureScript, cljx and other Clojure variants.
vim-kibit allows you to analyze the current opened file by running:
You'll want to have kibit and vim-fireplace installed, and you'll need to make sure Kibit is somewhere on your project's classpath. I'd recommend adding the following to your ~/.lein/profiles.clj
{:dependencies [[jonase/kibit "0.1.5" :exclusions [org.clojure/clojure]]]}
You'll also need to have a REPL connection open through fireplace.
After that, the rest should take care of itself.
Assuming you already have Pathogen installed, you should be good to go with the following:
cd ~/.vim/bundle && \
git clone
Copyright © 2018 Laurence Chen
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.