An SBT plugin to perform RequireJs optimization.
To use this plugin use the addSbtPlugin command within your project's plugins.sbt
resolvers ++= Seq(
Resolver.url("sbt snapshot plugins", url(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns),
"Typesafe Snapshots Repository" at ""
addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-rjs-plugin" % "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT")
WebJars are treated specially. If a path is referenced that is part of a path belong to a Webjar then the webjarCdn
setting is used to translate it to the CDN. This is all fully automatic and provided as part of a buildWriter
function. Furthermore if a .bin
or -bin
equivalent of the resource is available then it is used. The end result is
that all WebJar sourced resources are located via a CDN along with their minified versions.
A standard build profile for the RequireJS optimizer is provided. However if you would prefer to provide your own
build profile then create an
file in your project's folder. For more information on build profiles
see Note that one requirement for these build profiles is to accept the
last line being a line to receive four parameters passed by this plugin. Whether you use them or not is at your
discretion. Here is the default profile which you should use as a basis for your own:
(function (appDir, dir, paths, buildWriter) {
return {
appDir: appDir,
baseUrl: "js",
dir: dir,
generateSourceMaps: true,
mainConfigFile: appDir + "/js/main.js",
modules: [
name: "main"
onBuildWrite: buildWriter,
optimize: "uglify2",
paths: paths,
preserveLicenseComments: false
}(undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined))
The plugin is built on top of JavaScript Engine which supports different JavaScript runtimes.
© Typesafe Inc., 2014